Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lay Down Your Burdens

In P's words: "This was a fun day."
We spent our afternoon enjoying a new (to us) nearby park, playing in a large public fountain, splashing in a creek and exploring a cave with some friends. The highlight of the afternoon was when we got stuck in a sudden downpour and Amy and I decided to just let the children keep playing. We were all soaked already. The children loved the freedom of playing in the rain. Their giggles were contagious!

The sweetest moment came late this afternoon when we were mellowing out to a Cedarmont Kids DVD. When P heard the lyrics, "I'm gonna lay down my burdens, down by the riverside..."his faced twisted up.
"Mommy, what does lay down my burdens mean?"
"Well, it is when you are very worried about things and you decide to take them to God and stop worrying."
His face told me that my explanation had not clarified the issue one bit.
"For example, Mommy is a little worried about how I'll miss you when you go back to school. We've had fun together this Summer. So, I have been praying and asking God to help me. That is laying down my burden."
Without missing a beat he said, "But, Mom, don't worry. We don't stay at school all the time. You get to bring us home every day!"

Have I mentioned what a better person I am when I am able to see things through the eyes of my 4 year olds?


Anonymous said...

Kids are so smart - aren't they? Sometimes my little ones simply amaze me!

Sherri said...

Ahhh...to live life through the eyes of a child again!!

Ashley said...

Their simplicity of life is why parents say you don't want to grow up to fast! I hear my mom ringing those words in my ears and oh how I wish I had listened. My prayer will be for you to embrace this time and gleam with Joy when three little ones come home from school. Your perspective is always inspiring and I thank you! Blessings!

k and c's mom said...

Texas weathermen are delighting in counting how many 100 degree days in a row. I am wilted. Until...pictures of precious children getting soaked in the rain show up on my screen. How much fun does THAT look like? Kids having total joy for free! Thanks for sharing.

laurie said...

LOVE the pic of H and K. . . just precious.

Mindy said...

Love that comment from your little guy. SO sweet!
And I just want to tell you that I think you take the best pictures!
I wish I took pics this well.

My camera drives me nuts. THe delay makes me miss a lot of photo ops and I end up with a lot of turned heads or parts of people who were walking away.