Sunday, July 13, 2008

Working It Out

I accepted Christ as a 13 year old. The 21 years since then have included seasons of growth, backsliding, confusion, certainty, hypocrisy, service, slothfulness, fruit, faith, doubt, zealousness, timidity, boldness, political correctness, peaks, plateaus, valleys and everything in between. I have never strayed ridiculously from the fold (by the world's standards of 'big sins' anyway), but there have certainly been times when I have made decisions to try life on my own for a while. I have basically attempted to plug my ears from hearing God's voice, or I have simply gotten so busy that there was too much noise crowding out that "still, small voice." There have been long, dry seasons where the Word of God has felt flat and far removed from my heart and life. I have not always been 'good soil.'

Lately, though, the Word of God has been rocking my world. It is amazing what can happen when we start to reprioritize our lives and make the Main Thing the actual, practical main thing. God is moving in my life. He is speaking to my heart. Things are changing for the better. I actually looked at my husband this morning after church and chuckled, "Watch out, honey, I think I am becoming a radical."

I am still praying and searching for what that looks like. I am ready to pitch the trashy TV I watch and the celebrity gossip I follow, but can I still love J. Crew and pretty childrens' clothes? :-)

I think it all started with Kay Arthur's powerful message at Deeper Still about getting back to the basics of our faith--knowing and clinging to the Truth of God. I felt God drawing me close and surrendered to the pull rather than fighting to keep Him at arms' length. For the last two weeks I have been reading straight from the Word daily. I have also been participating in a Summer study of No Other Gods, by Kelly Minter, which is about identifying and confronting the idols in our life.

Suddenly, I am rejuvenated by the Word and really disgusted by the lies of the world. It is like scales are falling from my eyes. I am sick of all the counterfeit life I see around me. I want the Real Deal. This morning's Sunday School lesson was like the glue God used to pull everything together.

Before I share it with you, let me confess what happened before church. Despite my efforts to get up before the children to have a few minutes of Quiet Time, my offspring just keep waking up earlier and earlier (even though I completely dropped their naps a couple of weeks ago). I mean, our alarm is set for 6am... and they are waking at 5:50. It is crazy! I have been finding other quiet spaces in the day, but today I really wanted to be quiet before we went to church.

At 6am I told the early risers they could come downstairs with me, but I was going to spend a few minutes reading my Bible and praying at the kitchen table before breakfast. I set my kitchen timer for 10 minutes and then explained they would have to read or otherwise entertain themselves, quietly, in an adjacent room until the buzzer went off. The mayhem that followed was like a bad movie script. My children who typically are able to entertain themselves for 20-30 minutes at a time were interrupting me repeatedly for crazy, insignificant things. I finally closed them in the sunroom, only to hear howling, drum beating and xylophone playing all erupt simultaneously. When one of the children burst into the breakfast room where I was sitting, I blew up. "MOMMY JUST WANTS A FEW MINUTES OF QUIET TIME TO TALK TO GOD SO I CAN HAVE PATIENCE AND SELF CONTROL TODAY!!!!!" (I promise that is exactly what I said because I felt convicted the minute the first syllable left my lips, but couldn't stop...I just had to let some steam off.) As I looked across my open Bible on the table at those big, shocked eyes staring back at me, I couldn't help but appreciate the irony.

No matter how hard we try, apart from Christ, we cannot 'decide' to do or be better. That was the message of our Sunday School lesson this morning from Philippians 2. As a matter of fact, our teacher started by saying that making 'Holiness To Do Lists' (my words, not his) will either leave us puffed up and prideful or feeling utterly defeated--neither of which make us holy.

Don't get me wrong, I know we have work to do in this world. We (I) just must remember whose work it is.

"...for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."Phillippians 2:13

It is really that simple. My energy will always fail--and His will always succeed.
It is not about me. It is all abut Him.

Ephesians 2:8-10 in the Message says: "Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing."

Raising children, managing our home, being helpmates to our husbands, loving our is all good work--and all God's plan. As the NIV says, "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

God made us on purpose and with a purpose. He has a plan and He will equip us for the task. What a promise!

Lord, my mind cannot conceive of You, so it continues to make You smaller in an effort to understand. You are not small. You are mighty--and more than capable. You are Sovereign and always at work. You have a plan. You will lead me and guide me. Help me to REST in that knowledge.

*I added a couple of phrases after publishing this last night to clarify a point that was questioned in the comments.


CJay said...

Amen! Amen! Amen!
Very well said!

Sunshine said...

I am doing the same study! Although I did not go to the Deeper Still event I find God drawing me in the same way - deeper and exclusively to and in Him - what you shared here from your Sunday School lesson really spoke to me - thank you! Sunshine

Pam said...

I sit here all choked up because God used this post as a piece of the puzzle He's having me help Him put together right now.

Our sermon this morning was from the passage in Ephesians you mentioned.

I've been walking right along with you, feasting from His Word daily and finding I am enjoying the regular meals more than the occasional snacks mingled with long bouts of spiritual starvation.

Thank you for sharing from your Bible study as well. I had hoped to do that study this summer too, but didn't know anyone else going through it.

Thank you, JMom, for being vulnerable, both in your foibles (ones we've all experienced as well) but also with what you are learning. Your post ministered to my raw and tender heart this evening.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful and inspiring ... thanks!

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

I'm not sure I understand (or agree with) what your teacher was saying. As Christians, we ARE holy - being members of the body of Christ, members of his church, having heard, believed, repented, confessed and been baptised - set apart. Holy MEANS set apart. It's not something to attain as a Christian - it's something we already are by definition. I've never heard of a "holiness to do list" so am not quite sure what to make of that or what the definition of that is. But we are to be active in improvement and growth in our lives - that is commanded ("Study to show thyself approved", "always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that lies within you", "faith without works is dead", etc)

Now I Cor. 13 addresses motivation for what we do and how it can "void" it if without love. But we have to make an active decision to move forward, keep evil at bay, grow as Christians and bear fruit. The same book as your study, near it's close, states (Phil 4:8-9) "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you." That appears to me to be a directive to consciously decide to do something, to be better.

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

Thanks for your honesty. And what amazing truths are packed in here! May the Lord cont. to bless your times with Him and May you Feast at His table....not the world's!

Smileyface said...

Thank you for allowing God to minister thru have blessed my heart today and spoken confirming Words that I needed to hear.

Jennifer said...

Hey Cheri- I appreciate your challenge to clarify this. I attempted to summarize a 45 minute lesson and that always runs the risk of diluting or confusing the issue in the process.

His point was about the Phil 2passage re: 'working out our salvation' and how often we miscontrue that to some list of 'work' we have to do. (I know I do anyway) If we just stop this or start doing that...then we can be holy. This becomes a works based salvation rather than living out a life that rests in and depends on him to show us the work he prepared for us to do--not what we came up with ourselves.

I hope this is clearer. Thank you for making sure I am not misleading. I hope this makes sense.

Jennifer said...

And I TOTALLY agree we have a part...I just think I am far more tempted to try to go the opposite way...trying to do God's job than I am to not 'do' anything.

Joyful Mother said...

I appreciate your blog post and am glad that I found your blog. I am not a lurker, I just found your blog this weekend! Looking forward to reading more!

Mary said...

Thank you so much for this post. It really clarified some things for me.

Sitesx6 said...

Hi J-Mom,

I've been reading your blog for over a year. I think this is the first time I've left a comment.

I just finished No Other Gods, and on Wed. I am leading the Beth Moore, Daniel study at church. I too, have been convicted of wanting to be different than the world. To be a person of integrity and teach my kids to fight against this culture we live in.

The Beth Moore, Daniel study is PERFECT for helping me do that. As I prepared this weekend for the study on Wed. I was in awe, of how God's truth really shines and shows how Daniel RESOVED in his heart to not be defiled by the culture. I am convicted to do the same thing. NO Other Gods was a perfect way to see the idols I have set up in my heart. I think God's timing is awesome, how now he leads me from that study, to the Daniel study, of how to now fight against the culture.

On another note, I have twins (they just turned 10) I want to say HANG IN THERE....because I remember feeling just like you are, with NO PEACE AND NO TIME FOR QUIET OR BIBLE STUDY. It is a fun time, which I know you love, but it really does get better, as they get older. I promise. :)

Keep up the great writing.
Kelly in Michgian

Carolina Mama said...

We intentionally have not had cabel tv for the ten years of our marriage - it's been blissful. We choose the dvds the children watch, etc. And the celeb gossip goes out the door.

What with all of our 'Celeb Christian Bloggy Friends" who needs Hollywood!

A CBS friend sent me this link yesterday, and I thought you might be interested - it's radical. Makes ya think.

Lately I have faced the same challenge with our twin boys. The earlier I get up, the earlier they join in. Here's what's working (The boys are 7 and yours are 4. However, your children seem to do a lot of things earlier than my guys so this would most likely work)

1) Buy them each their own Bible with red letters that are Jesus' words.

2) When they can read, get one without the pictures - this has been amazing as the Tigers read the word.

3) Have them literally join you in 'Quiet Time' "Devotions."

It may only be that 10 minutes but it works and they are learning as the boys say "to have time with 'my Lord.;"

God Bless and thanks for sharing ideas.

Alice said...

I too am doing the No Other Gods study, and it is rocking my world. And on a separate yet related note, I used to set all sorts of rules for myself: I would stop watching this, I would stop reading that; then it would all fall apart after all my good intentions. I was living by the law. I too was addicted to celebrity gossip and trashy TV--as addicted as you can get. Then I heard our pastor preach on that very topic and say that I was worshipping what God hates (obviously not the people--but the behavior). I was glorifying what was repulsive to Him. It was so convicting. I just began to pray that God would help me to be more like Jesus. No list of rules; I just want to be like Him. (Well, and I stopped my subscriptions and got off the celebrity sites on the Internet!) Within months, He completely took all that away. I am so free. I am dead to all that stuff now, and it is not even appealing to me anymore. Sorry for this long comment and hope it doesn't sound preachy. Everyone is at a different place in their walk, and thankfully the Holy Spirit deals with all of us uniquely so I don't expect everyone to have an experience like mine. Just wanted to share that though! :-)

Anonymous said...

This post spoke to my heart. My hubby is out of town this week and my 3 & 4 year old are wearing me out mentally and emotionally. I'm ashamed to admit that I have exploded before even while trying to read the Bible or Pray. Kind of ironic.

Great post and comments. It's a balance, isn't it, of obeying God and what He tells us to do but not relying on our own works (or spiritual lists) to do what HE DOES - saves us and makes us holy.

Emmy said...

Awesome! I especially loved the loving your neighbor part! : )

Jennifer said...

Emmy- You are too funny! I meant neighbor on the grander scale, but you are right, loving my next door neighbor takes A LOT of work! :-)

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

Thanks for the clarification - I think we were both saying the same thing but saying it different ways (that's what my husband said after we discussed it - he is an avid student of in the study of faith). :)

AMOCS said...

Great post...your comments brought to mind a point that Blackaby brings out in "Experiencing God". He suggests that we "find out where God is working and join Him there." It's all about Him...not us. And I have found that it is much easier to figure out where God is moving & working if my mind is not cluttered with useless garbage. When our minds are in tune with Phil 4:8-9 then that is when I think we will be much more able to "join Him". Keep the great posts coming...Bless you...
(Please disregard this comment if you get it more than once...I am new at 'commenting' on blogs and this is the second time I have tried to post this comment!! I'm a little technologically challenged!! Bear with me!!)