Monday, June 16, 2008

Getting in the Word

We are right in the thick of VBS this week. The children are attending (their first year) and I am one of the Kindergarten teachers. We have 33 in our class--and thankfully- 4 teachers. Because everyone is in town for VBS week, our evenings are booked all week with birthday dinners, church small group parties, etc. Needless to say, we are tired and it is only Monday!

I did want to address a question posed in the comments a couple of days ago about finding time to be in God's Word. This is something I have really struggled with since becoming a Mom. My morning routine is erratic because I am never sure when my first early bird will wake up--and once they are up, there is no telling what the day will hold! I don't want time in Scripture to be an item on my "To Do" list, but I do understand why it should be a priority. My perspective is immensely better when it is being shaped first by God's perspective.

I have collected a short list of things I have either practiced or heard of from my friends and would love for you to offer additional suggestions in the comments. We are all in this together. I have definitely learned that different approaches work for different lifestyles, so let's encourage each other in this area.

1-Praise music in the car (and around the house) is a must for me. There are many days where I, unfortunately, do not open my Bible, but the Word of God is being planted in my heart and mind through music. The added benefit of this is hearing the children sing these words at other times throughout the day. Since I have started working out I find upbeat praise music on my ipod to be a great source of encouragement as well! (I especially love Passion and David Crowder Band. My children love Shout Praises Kids, Steve Green and Seeds of Courage/Faith/etc.)

2- I always keep a devotional book in my purse and another in my car for carpool, waiting rooms and other unexpected wait times. A friend of mine keeps a small Message Bible tucked in her console for this same purpose.

3- Reading a passage of Scripture to your children over breakfast or before bed is a great way for the Word to be read and possibly discussed within the family.

4- As I sit to blog each night I will often visit and do word searches on whatever subject I am writing on. This is a practical, topical way to keep God's relevant word involved in my daily life.

5- Last Christmas I made some index cards with Bible verses on them for friends of mine. I now have them scattered around my home and car, stuffed in my calendar, my make-up drawer, my car's console, on my bathroom mirror, refrigerator, etc... This insures I see particularly meaningful or challenging verses regularly as I go about my day.

6- I also think there is such accountability in meeting with a small group for regular Bible Study. This keeps me on track for regular reading for preparation and homework.

7-And, of course, there is no substitue for the good old fashioned cup of coffee and an open Bible. If you are trying to get back in the swing of things, I recommend starting here.

These are a few of the things I have tried that were 'doable' with small children. I'd love to hear from you.


Kara said...

Thanks for the tips. I am big on praise & worship music too! It brings me such joy to hear my kids singing them! Try the Hillsong Kids cd. Jesus You're My Superhero is my kids favorite! I like the idea of a little devotional or Bible in my car for when I am just sitting and waiting. My sister was just telling me the other day that she has scriptures written on cards that she has around the house to be constantly reminded of God's Word! It is also nice to know that I am not the only mom that doesn't always have time everyday to get out the Bible. It is something to strive for that is for sure!

Colored With Memories said...

I really like your second idea. I think I'll put that to work right away.

Thanks, JMom!

Nicole said...

Most days of week I try to get up at 6:15, well before my kiddos, and get a quick shower, then sit in the quiet, mostly dark living room with my Bible, journal, and devotional book. My 4-year-old knows he is not to come out of his room before 7:00, and when 7:00 rolls around I'm usually wrapping up my quiet time and he can come cuddle with me while I'm finishing up. I like it that he gets to see me reading the Word.

My day goes so much better if I can do this--alot of it has to do with getting that early shower before the kids are up because it helps us get out the door faster!

Now don't think I'm perfect or anything--I'm lucky if I get to do this 3 times a week. I give myself at least one day to sleep until they wake me up...

I love the idea of the devotional book tucked away. I've gotta start carrying a bigger purse and nix the diaper bag!

Chelsey said...

I'm not a mom, but I agree that listening to praise and worship music really lifts the spirit. I have a job that I don't really enjoy, but listening to godly music on the way refreshes me to go.

Have you ever listened to Indelible Grace or Red Mountain Church? Both groups "rewrite" hymns (i.e. old words, new music) and also have some great, familiar versions of theological, encouraging, AWESOME hymns. You can get their CDs at and I think you can also get Indelible Grace on iTunes. I discovered them a couple years ago and now it's pretty much my favorite.

Oh! You should also look into Fernando Ortega's hymn CD, Jars of Clay's hymn CD (Redemption Songs), and the "Greatest Hits" CD by Selah. Those just came to mind, and they're all great. :)

Jenny said...

It was once suggested to me that if you don't have much time to be in the Word, at least take a few minutes and read a chapter of Proverbs. 31 chapters means that you just pick the day of the month and read that chapter. I liked doing that, but I've done that so much I find myself just skimming them lately. So, I need some fresh ideas. You had some great ideas that I will likely try out. Thanks!

Perri said...

J - I always read "Leading Little Ones to God" to all the kids and it's a simple book that they all could understand. They learned a lot about God from that book.

Brandy Thixton said...

I am an addict to #'s 1 & 4. Praise and Worship, and are in my home, in one form or another, every week.

Another thing I do is this: when a verse I have read really speaks to me where I am at right now, I write it (with a dry erase marker) on the top of my bathroom mirror. Then, when I am brushing my teeth in the morning and at night, I can take the time to really meditate on the individual words and ideas. Sometimes the verse only stays up a couple days. The one that's up right now has been up for over a month because I get something new out of it every time I read it.

This practice has really helped me "hide God's Word in my heart" and apply it to my life.

Mindy said...

I also really like to start my day with alone time with God. Like you said though, it isn't always easy. My struggle in the past 6 months has been being pregnant and feeling sick and tired (in the literal meanings) a lot. That leads to me not wanting to get out of bed. I do know though, as you say that my life just goes better when I start my day with God. I handle all of my roles better when I've begun my day letting God lead.
Now that the sickness has mostly gone away, I'm beginning to get better about getting up early again.
But,I have three small children (ages 6, 4, and 3) and also as you said it is hard when you don't know what time they are going to get up. Sometimes I think they hear me walking down the hallway. And that used to frustrate me so much when I would get up early to be with God and was interupted. But, I have come to the realization that God doesn't want me to be frustrated with my children for getting out of I just put it away if they get up.
I am also struggling with how things with go with a newborn. Each time before - with feeding schedules and all- it is hard to find time in the mornings to do my time with God.
I think Satan likes to make me feel guilty if I miss it. As if doing something other than first thing in the morning or in some other way is wrong.
All of that to say: Thanks for the encouragement! I was just thinking about this as I read my book this morning!

Brandy Thixton said...

Mindy! I was SO there with when my little girl was born. But I realized that those midnight feedings were the PERFECT time to get in the Word and pray! The house is completely quiet; baby is eating (which means he/she is not crying); and you have to be up anyways. I set a devotional book, my Bible, and a really dim lamp on a little table next to my rocker. Then, with the help of the Boppy (found at Target, among other places) I was able to spend time with Jesus while feeding my little one. Some of my most precious memories are during those late-night feedings with Jesus and baby.

Todd and Randi said...

Thanks for the words of wisdom and all the book and CD recommendations. My Amazon Wish List keeps getting longer and longer!

Mary said...

Wonderful suggestions! I don't have toddlers but am constantly on the go with a tweenager and find it hard to have quiet time.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I love reading these suggestions. It dovetails perfectly with thoughts I've had for the last 12 months or so about incorporating Sabbath into my life as well as a daily quiet time. I still struggle with these basic disciplines.

Amy Sullins said...

There is nothing better than seeing my little ones worship with me at home or in the car! Their little hands raised and singing the lyrics to a worship song warms my heart and I know it does for His too!

I totally identify with you on this. Being a ministers wife is often hard because people just assume that we don't have these types of struggles but honestly we do. I am so encouraged by this blog and I am going to take some of our your tips and use them in my life! Thanks for always speaking from the heart!

Sunshine said...

Desiring - John Piper has a collection of what he calls "fighter verses" that also come with a CD collection of those verses being read - AWESOME! Also on Itunes there is what is called Bible Podcast I believe and everyday for free they read a chapter from the Bible - I think from the New Living Translation but I cannot remember. This too is a challenge for me :)Sunshine

KLS PP PLS said...

Thanks for the great ideas! I already do a few of the things, but I really appreciate the idea for the index cards and the link to Bible Gateway.

GE is me said...

J, I do use biblegateway. But like someone else said #2 is a good idea. I always have praise/Christian music on in the car. And I love hearing them sing along & sometimes raising their hands. For children's music I have veggie tales worship cd, tolerable to listen to repeatedly especially if your children are into veggie tales at all. Also a new group I discovered is Go Fish. They have wonderful, uplifting songs & their claim is "it doesn't drive parents crazy!" My girls love their version of Jesus loves me.
Although probably the last week I've been turning the tunes off, as I believe someone on this blog suggested listening to their conversations. Too stinking cute!
Thanks, -Gail

Katharine said...

Thanks for the encouragement and spreading the encouragement to others. I'd like to add one too-- I try to get out to exercise on my own a few times during the week before my kids arise (1, 3 and 5 yo) or when my husband is home, and I load some preachers that I love on my ipod to listen to their sunday morning sermons, its free from so many churches, I especially like Andy Stanley from Northpoint Community Church because his messages are so full of truth and he delivers in a joyful tone that keeps my attention.

Kimberly said...

I enjoy your blog and visit as often as I can. I have three children also,7,4 and 2.Your 3 cuties sound similar to my four year old at present.;)

I did not have time to peruse the comments but I loved this post! What works for me right now is getting up at about 545,by God's grace, and having quiet time (bible and journal) and exercise time until 730,the time my children are allowed to get up. The boys have a clock in their room and know not to come out unless for potty purposes until 730. My daughter is forced to wait for me in her crib.:)

The other thing I do is keep a small bible in my purse to read when I can throughout the day. We also listen to Christian radio in the car.Not too creative but it works.