Friday, February 22, 2008


I really like to give gifts. It makes me happy. Reading the encouragement so many of you faithfully leave in the comments section also makes me happy (and keeps me sane!) So, I was thinking I'd love to give something special away to a lucky winner.

Meet my friend, Keri (who is celebrating her 10th anniversary next weekend--and whose wedding I was late for because I lingered a little too long after my second date with my future husband ten years ago). She is a mother of two and a talented graphic designer. (I covet her talent each year when I get her Christmas card.) I am thrilled that she has just started a blog business and is sharing her talent with the world. Her prices are very affordable and her work is awesome. It will be really affordable for one of you, because I am going to give one bloggy header redesign away. All you need to do is leave a comment (one per person) before 5pm EST Sunday. I will draw a lucky winner and put you in touch with Keri.

Here's to cute blogs, 10th anniversaries, awesome commenters, second dates and free stuff! Good luck!!

Edited to add: Wow! Now I know how to lure out the lurkers. :-)

In case you were wondering, here's the deal on how choosing a winner will work. I will be out at 5pm for a birthday party, but when I return I will look at the number of comments time stamped before 5pm EST and allow the random number generator at to pick. I'll announce by 6:30pm EST. This is even more fun than I imagined it was going to be!


Anonymous said...

Sounds look fun!! I could use a "blog makeover." :)

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

OK, I meant sounds LIKE fun. Sorry...

Natalie said...

That sounds like a great idea! I would love to have a real design on my blog!!
Thank you!

Mel said...

Hello! I read your blog often. The stories of the kids are great! I have a 5 yr old boy, 3 1/2 yr old boy and 2 yr old girl. I watch children in my home. My blog could really use a makeover.

Kim said...

What a sweet thing to do. I always enjoy reading about your little ones and get encouragement from your introspection. Thanks for sharing with us.

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

I could use a make over:)

Southern jezeBelle said...

yippie I'd love a new blog look since soon i'll have a new blog name!

Leah said...

Oh, how fun! I would love to have my blog look almost as neat as yours.
I love reading your blog. I think you are an awesome parent, by the way.
Thanks for the opportunity!

Tabatha said...

I check in on your blog from time to time and I could definitely use a blog makeover.

Tracy said...

I am a faithful lurker!! :) What an incredibly kind thing to do. A blog makeover sounds like fun. Thanks for putting up her link.

Amy said...

How wonderful! Thanks!

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Would love this! Thanks for hosting it.

Anonymous said...

I love a good contest!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Very cool. I was just contemplating a new look. It must be spring approaching.

and 2 became 5 said...

ooooo pick me pick me! Great idea & very generous!

Mommy said...

Wonderful! I definetly need a blog lift!

Maria said...

Ooo... I need a facelift for my blog too! :)

The Milams said...

How fun! What a great prize!

Valerie Swartz said...

all right! thats sounds fun. your blog is always so encouraging. i love the stories of your kiddos and how you deal with everday life. Its funny, insightful and very inspriational:)

Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway! You have such a precious blog, and I love reading about your adventures :)

Pam said...

Sounds fabulous! I would love to have a "spruce-me-up". Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway, JMom!

Heather said...

Would be fun to have a new blog header. Thanks for doing this!

jess said...

I, too, am a faithful lurker! I love your blog, and have laughed outloud on more than one occasion! My all time favorite story was when your kids were all stuffed in the same bathroom stall with you, and one of them said "mommy, why that lady has a bird on her foot?" (the tattoo!)

Anyway, my blog could certainly use a makeover. Thanks for doing such a nice thing for one of us!

Elizabeth said...

My tenth anniversary is next week also, on the 27th. I would love a blog makeover to celebrate, esp. since I am posting "our story" next week! Thank you for this fun giveaway.

Katina said...

Count me in! I love your blog and your heartfelt honesty and determination to live a life that pleases our Lord!

MaryBeth said...

I have just started thinking about a new bloggy look... count me in!
I check in daily to read about you and your kiddos. It is so nice to have a look ahead from a Christian perspective. Thanks!

Joni said...

Thanks for offering the extreme blog makeover- home edition.I love FREE!

Anonymous said...

How sweet of you to host a giveaway on YOUR anniversary!

I am still with my original blogger design, my blog could definitely use a face lift.

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

I am SOOO ready for a new header. I'm at the point where I know enough to be dangerous and the next time I do it myself, I'll probably tank my blog all together without realizing exactly what I've done! LOL

April said...

I have been a frequent flier of your blog for awhile now. I always look forward to reading your posts. Your children are precious :) I have a (almost) one year old daughter and love to post about her on my blog....I would love to give my blog design a makeover :) What a fun idea and a very nice thing for you to do!

Mandy said...

Count me in! Great idea. Can't wait to see who wins.


The Snipes said...

I keep a blog for our son & it could really use a new header!


life with the wisners said...

see how your bringing us all out of the woodwork?

so thoughtful!

MamaBear said...

I could really use a bloggy makeover!

Congrats on the tenth anniversary of a wonderful date!

Michelle said...

She really is talented. I am just not a creative person. I always mean to be. I would love for her to do my header.

Mom of Eleven said...

okay, want it.

Denise said...

I have been reading you blog for a while now! I have almost 3 yo twin boys plus a 6 yo boy & teenage daughter. Reading your stories gives me inspiration that life will get easier!! My husband and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary in November. Great Give-Away! Thanks!

twiceasnice said...

I would love to be entered in the contest, I have 5 year old boy/girl twins and am a strong Christian woman who is in need of a blog makeover. Thanks!

Tiffany said...

This sounds like so much fun! I love to give gifts too. I just got through w/ my first bloggy give away. I don't know if you saw it but, I will be giving one away every month- so come on by! Oh and I just got preschool power from my library, and my son watched it w/ me and asked a hundred questions. I think he really loved it, so thanks for sharing it in an earlier post! Blessings!

mylifewith5kids said...

I would love to win this makeover for my best friend. She does so much for me and to be able to do this for her would be so AWESOME!!!!

The Rackroom Crew said...

I need a make over Please help me!!

Perri said...

J-mom, throw my name in the drawing please

Ivy said...

Did someone say MAKEOVER???

Anonymous said...

Delurking to throw my name in the hat!

Tara D. said...

I read your blog often...but haven't commented lately. I am commenting for a friend of mine. She just started a blog...and I think it needs to be cute-sied up. Ha ha. She'll thank me later. :-)

Laura said...

I love your blog and would love a blog makeover!

Gallagators said...

I recently found your blog, and have enjoyed reading it/looking at the pics!

Mathis Family said...

Our blog is so basic, I need a makeover!!!

Paulette said...

Oh I so need a new design.. really , Please enter me! How cool! Thanks J, you are awesome. If I dont win Ill check her out definately.

KirkKrew said...

How fun! I could totally use a new design. Thanks for doing this!

Jawan said...

I'm a lurker. I've been a lurker on your blog for an entire year. There...I admitted it. I don't even know how I happened upon your blog but I am so glad I did. What's really weird is that as I've read your posts I realized that I am now living in your old stomping grounds of Columbus. Gosh, small world. By the way, I cracked up laughing at the distorted pictures of your family when you were experimenting with your new Mac gift from your hubby. Hope you are liking it more and more each day as you use it!

MamaBear said...

Count me in....please.

TK said...

Oooh count me in. I need a new header.

The Payne Family Blog said...

What a great idea. I would love to spruce up my blog. Count me in and please pick me. :)

Dena said...

I could sure use a little jazzing up, that's FOR SURE!

Rich and Darcie said...

This is very sweet of you to give away. Did she design yourheader as well?

Thanks for always sharing the sweet and not so sweet moments in your home. It makes the rest of us moms feel 'normal' as well.

Emmy said...

Wow look at your responses! So fun! Emmy : )

Heather said...

Guess it's time to make myself known!!! I read your blog everyday and you inspire me.

This year is my 10 year anniversary as well ... April, what better way to celebrate that than to have a new blog design!!!

Here's to anniversaries ... Happy Anniv to you too!!!!


Erin said...

Sign me up!!

lucinda said...
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lucinda said...

Ha ha, What a great idea! Not only are you giving away a great gift, but what a great way to get the lurkers to emerge. I've told you IRL that I read your blog, so now I'm officially "coming out" of my own lurkdom. Your kids are too cute and I love reading the things they say!
(Will's mom from last year's Kindermusik class)

Whitney said...

maybe if I had a blog makeover... I would actually get back into blogging... count me in!

Colored With Memories said...

Hi! I've been reading your blog for some time now but haven't ever commented! Nothing like a cool giveaway to get a lurker to come out and comment!!

Anyway, I have a 3 1/2 yr old and a 7 month old and I love learning from your experiences from a Christian perspective!

I would LOVE a blog makeover b/c I tried to to it myself a while back and couldn't figure out how to do it w/o losing everything on my side bar!

Thanks, Kerry

Sherri said...

Please count me in. I'm so ready for something new. Thanks for hosting this!

Jennifer said...

This is such a wonderful gift. I would love to win. Thanks for offering it.

Lisa said...

I love your blog and your header. Did she design yours? Your last pictures were adorable as well.
Thanks for the enjoyable look into your beautiful family.

Erickson 5 said...

Pick Me!!! Pick Me!!! I need a blog makeover! Great idea.


Aubrey said...

How fun! Her site has some adorable stuff on it. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Sandi said...

How fun!
I would love a new header. We are currently in the process of adoption a son from Ethiopia. Once we do we plan to change our name from to
I would love a makeover, especially since our blog is currently pink and something tells me boys don't love that. ;-)

Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart said...

That would be great. Please count me in!

Sibi said...

Would love to be included on the
giveaway. Your family
is just beautiful! Thank you for
sharing your life on blogger.

Ami said...

I desperately need a new "look"! Count me in, please!

Andi said...

Pick Me!!!

Linda said...

Thanks for offering such a wonderful gift!

cacfus said...

I love your blog and I love free stuff. Go figure!

Trudy said...

How fun and I need a nice header. I've always thought your blog design was one of the nicest I've seen. I'll check out her site.

Have a good weekend.

Sunshine said...

Wow! check out the comments - well I am up with one of mine - so I am catching up on blogs! So sweet of you to do this! Sunshine

Lisa Kay said...

Thanks for hosting - I'd love a makeover! :o)

Read you daily,
Lisa Kay

Briana said...

Another lurker here! I can't even remember how I stumbled upon your blog!

I'd LOVE to wint he new header! I just had a baby girl and my blog header is "Life with Boys!"

Confessions said...

what a great idea...way to bring out your blog stalkers (like myself). a friend sent me the link to your blog, after i was diagnosed with PCOS in August. you have given such affirmation to my husband's and my feelings on our own infertility. thank you for your transparency and honesty. praise God for his enduring mercy and goodness.

ps- i'd love a blog makeover. how fun!! :)