Friday, January 11, 2008


I am reading parenting books and praying, trying to love my children's socks off, train them up in the way they should go and serve as a positive role model for them...but the reality is that I am human. Despite my best intentions I often mess things up. This afternoon, I had an 'I-blew-it' Mommy moment.

It was 2:15 and I was dealing with 3.5 year old whininess, stall tactics about rest time, crazy requests that bordered on demands, and generally feeling tired and overwhelmed. I feel like one child at a time is hard enough, but trying to think through exactly what child A, B & C need emotionally from me uniquely, but simultaneously (through exhausted whininess) can just gobble me up sometimes. This afternoon it did.

I could feel my blood pressure rising and that bubbling up feeling inside that makes me overreact to everything. I walked quickly into the bathroom away from the children and let a bit out, growling to no one in particular, "I. AM. SO. FRUSTRATED."

I immediately heard P's little voice in the other room, "Take a deep bweaf, Mommy. A deep bweaf."

He has heard that a time or 2,000 from me...and I really needed to hear it back from him. They all fell asleep within minutes. I have exhaled a long, deep sigh, cracked open a Diet Coke, put on a praise CD and am about to read quietly. Things are back in perspective.

Edited to Add: A couple of minutes after I hit publish, K started singing in her room, as if to make sure I realized she was not actually asleep. She & I have spent the afternoon making more paperdolls. Quality time with her has been refreshing, even if not as much as alone time would have been. She was able to be the center of my attention for a while, which is always a good thing.


Erin said...

Enjoy naptime!!! I know exactly how you feel! Lately, Elijah and JCT have been on opposite sleep schedules in the afternoon. One goes down, the other wakes up. . . And, when I don't get a second to sit still in the afternoon, I can really tell a difference in my attitude! I am longing for an afternoon like yours right now!!! Enjoy!

Maria said...

It's nice to read that you are human too. Honestly, when my own blood pressure rises with my one child, I often times think of you and your posts.

Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart said...

Oh my, I can so relate to moments like that. Enjoy your nap time. And, please share any good parenting book recommendations. We could probably use the help around here. :)

Erickson 5 said...

I have been there. I hate those breaking moments but I honestly think it is just part of life.
You are a great mother! Continue to "love the socks off" your kids!
Thanks for your honesty! It is such a blessing!

Momma-of-5 said...

Thanks for the encouragement. As a mom of 5m triplets (as well as a 5yo and 4yo) I find myself completely lacking in the patience department. You've encouraged me to recognize the signs and step away before I blow. Thanks!

Sunshine said...

LOVE THIS POST! Because I can SO relate. I really appreciate you being so open and honest - it really helps give me ideas when I feel myself getting to that point. Have you read the book Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel? If not and you ever get the chance - it is a great book. Have an awesome weekend. Sunshine

kamahiclan said...

I wish my "I-blew-it" Mommy moments were as contained as yours are. There are times when I would love to lock myself in my room for hours, leaving my four-year-old triplets and my 2 1/2 year old on the outside to fend for themselves.

I'm going to pray for patience like you have!

Jennifer said...

In the spirit of full disclosure, I really struggle with patience and have "I blew it" moments worse than this one. I am just ever mindful there are boundaries to what you put on the Internet. :-)

Kristen said...

I love your blog! I have been reading for awhile but never left a comment. We recently moved to Okinawa, Japan with the Navy. My husband is a FP doctor so I often relate to your stories about daddy being on call. With all of this transition and no breaks from my children I have been struggling to not "blow it" and to help my kids adjust. I am so encouraged by your words and actions. Thanks for being so real. I learn a lot from you.