Monday, June 11, 2007

My Blog Story

I was intrigued by Chilihead’s challenge to record the history of how I became a blogger. Since I had to really think to remember how this all began, I decided getting it on paper for posterity was probably a good idea.

1. How did you start blogging?
My father-in-law has a webpage for his various business ventures and personal interests. When the babies were born and I was so sick, it became a lifeline. Prayer warriors were kept up to date on our fledgling little family via his posts. After the dust settled from our rough start, he continued to post pictures of the kiddos periodically so folks could see the blessing of their answered prayers.

After the trio's 1st birthday (you know, when I was sleeping again and had the energy to even consider doing anything besides just keeping our family alive) I decided I wanted a website. I loved the idea of keeping interested parties updated on us without flooding their inboxes with pictures they may or may not care to see. I intended for it to be somewhat of a newsletter.

Once I started, I realized it could double as a digital baby book of sorts. I am NOT AT ALL crafty. As a result, the beautiful baby books I had purchased before the kiddos were born sat completely empty on the shelf. (Where they remain now 3 years later!) Posting quick pictures and short memories for out-of-town friends and family was a lot less intimidating (and less expensive) than cropping, pasting, and having to otherwise be crafty.

2. Did you intend to be a blog with a following? If so, how did you go about it?
Absolutely, positively, no! I was actually so naive getting into this. I really never dreamed people I did not know would read/follow our family. I commented on the blogs of a few real-life friends and the networking began. I have truly made some terrific friends in the blogosphere. I once laughed at people who "met" on the I get it. I love that the pretense and small talk is dropped and you can get right to the heart of the matter with folks. Although I am aware of the dangers this anonymity this offers, with appropriate caution, this medium has been an incredible blessing.

3. What do you hope to achieve or accomplish with your blog? Have you been successful? If not, do you have a plan to achieve those goals?
I want to glorify God and remember the beauty of this time in our life. I have bad days and A LOT of not-so-wonderful moments...but I want my blog to be the place at the end of the day where I sit down and intentionally recount the lessons and the blessings. There is plenty of negative in the world. I am not in denial about our hard days, nor do I EVER want to misrepresent my life, I just think life is more pleasant when we focus on the positive rather than perseverating on the hard stuff.

4. Has the focus of your blog changed since you started blogging? How?
Absolutely. I didn't write anything but photo captions for the first year. One day I wrote an observation about motherhood and the lessons I was learning. Perri encouraged me to keep writing. The rest is history. The feedback from folks who read the blog is such an encouragement to me to keep putting myself out there. I never realized there was such a need for Moms to encourage each other "in the trenches" to not lose sight of what really matters. This has become a ministry for me and a tremendous source of encouragement and accountability.

When I started writing it was for my family. Then, it became therapeutic and suddenly what was quite private and anonymous is now very public and personal. Having anonymous readers was one thing, but running into readers at Kroger is really intimidating. It is like that old middle school dream of showing up only to realize you forgot to get dressed. I have a LOT of lurkers ( around 800 hits a day and generally less than 10 comments) so I can get pretty insecure. Why is everyone so quiet? Do they agree, disagree? Are they judging me?

5. What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you started?
I am so thankful that this has unfolded the way it has. The only thing I wish I had done differently is protected our identity a little more. I was not thinking years ahead when I started writing. Going back and undoing names and other identifying info has been very labor intensive.

6. Do you make money with your blog?
No. Unless you count the money I am saving in counseling and scrapbooking supplies. :-)

7. Does your immediate or extended family know about your blog? If so, do they read it? If not, why? Yes, they do. My Mom & sister comment sometimes. Most of my close friends that read it send me e-mails or call with their comments.

8. What two pieces of advice would you give to a new blogger?
In 7th grade, my two "best friends" stole my journal and read its contents to people I wrote about (angry with, crush on, etc...) I learned the hard way what my Mom had tried to tell me: If you don't want it read, don't write it down. Remember once you write it, it is out there.


Kim said...

I enjoyed reading this! Your birth story is amazing and that was what caught my interest at first. I love how you blog on the blessings of life...there is so much to thank God for, isn't there?

I just began blogging to keep up with our adoption process...I had no idea what all was out there...I love reading other's blogs when I have time and am often inspired by them. I usually write about what I am learning on this journey in being a wife and mother. It is fun!

Thanks for sharing your reasons and tips!


Perri said...

Gosh, I'm sure glad you listened to that Perri girl. Look at how much wisdom and thought provoking insight you've inspired in us all.

Not to mention we still get to see all those great pictures!

Big Mama said...

Well, you know I love your blog. Seeing those three cute faces at the top make me smile every day. Plus, your words have encouraged me so many times. You always keeps things in their proper perspective.

Phyllis R. said...

JMom~I found your blog when BooMama stated that her friend was addicted to you! I can see why. The very first time I clicked over here and saw the photo you use in your profile, the one of your adorable family from the back, I was hooked.

I love that your blog is your ministry. Even though my children are 11 and 13 years older than yours, I still learn lots of great things from you, and think about a lot of "mom stuff" as a result of you and your blog. You are a superb writer. Very thought-provoking. And while I love to read your thoughts, I also LOVE the photos of those precious triplets. It makes me smile when I pop in and there is a news picture!

I almost always try to leave a comment. I feel like it would be akin to visiting your home without speaking! Just the southern girl in me, I guess. I don't have a blog of my own, but I sure do LOVE to come here and never miss a day!

Melissa Stover said...

loved hearing about your history on the blog. i might be considered on of your lurkers. i read every day but rarely comment. i'm on dial up and i homeschool my 3 kids (that's my excuse). but i love what you have to say and seeing your adorable children.

Anonymous said...

Another lurker coming out of the woodwork just to say thanks for sharing the lessons you're learning with the rest of us. Visiting your blog each day is always such a treat. I hope in glory someday I get to sit down with you and enjoy a Starbucks together, for I have surely come to think of you as a dear friend.

Anonymous said...

JMom...I've been wishing ever since I started reading your blog how much I would love to run into you somewhere.....I'll try to make sure it's not Kroger. ;-) I want to hear those sweet voices jabber with each other. My twins had their own language for a period of time, and I can only imagine having three talking it! My children are almost all grown, but you've given me such wonderful ideas for our daughter when she has her children. You are such a blessing, so honest, and hold nothing back and that is what makes you so special. It's evident how much you love the Lord. Yes, this is a ministry that touches many lives. God has not only blessed you with this ministry, he has also blessed you with a gift of being the best mom around! Hope to meet you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hello sweetheart,
I totally understand the weirdness of *knowing* people read, but wondering what they're thinking. My blog gets lots of traffic too, but I rarely have more than 8-10 comments. Always makes me wonder.... but anyway, guess I'll just keep writing. Must be SUPER weird to run into random people who read your blog.... whoa, that would freak me out for a second!

I'm glad you keep writing... and totally understand about using initials rather than names. The only reason I leave my real name is because I go by my middle name.... if anybody searched for me, legal personal stuff would be under my first name which I never mention. And one highlight to the whole name-changing procedure, you get to look back down memory lane... always a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen... I'm a lurker on your blog! Me & my "twin" sister were in 7th grade with you and I almost fell out of my chair at the response to question #8. We were good friends at that time so I'm hoping after speaking with my sister that was not us or we have blocked that memory out from shame (hoping for the 1st one):) Your children are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, I'm a lurker, but leave a comment once in a while. I've learned through reading these blog stories that everyone loves comments.

I had a difficult pregnancy with my twins so can relate to SOME of what you've been through. Thanks for sharing, love your blog. Belinda

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am a lurker also. My attention was first caught by the sheer volume of your family =) and then held by your honesty about your struggles as a mom and as a follower of Christ (both of which I can identify with). I've been saving all your posts about your struggle with wanting to go deeper with Jesus to re-read. Thanks for your transparency with all of us in blogland. Stephanie

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

However you got here, I'm glad you're here! *wink* Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I am a 'lurker' also. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Your children are beautiful and I so enjoy hearing about their antics. My guys are all in their teens and sometimes I miss those toddler years.

I love your line "My hands are full, but so is my heart." Pretty much sums up motherhood.

I would love to meet you in Kroger, but I am pretty sure we don't even live in the same state. :-)

God's blessing to you all,

Lori in PA

cacfus said...

I am one of your 800 lurkers.. I don't usually comment because I figure you get so many. Anyway, I enjoy reading your blog (usually daily) and it is really encouraging me as I am 6 months prego with our first baby. I love the funny stories as well as the motherly advice. As a fellow Christian, it has really helped me keep perspective on what matters.

PS - I am also involved in YL here in Seattle and was on student staff all through college! Small world.

Kelly said...

I was one of the lurkers but I came out of hiding a while back so all is well, right? I agree with so many of the posts you've written. I've even printed many of them so I can look over them again later (I'm a hard copy kinda gal). My actual reason for not commenting was that I never had enough time to leave the type of comment I felt your posts deserved. It just seems wrong to have you pour out your heart and have me respond "I think so too. Thanks for sharing." My baby is a little older now and life isn't quite as hectic so hopefully I'll be able to leave more meaningful comments more often.


Anonymous said...

Hello JMom,

I am a long-time lurker are rare commenter, but I wanted to tell you how much I love your blog! It's my favorite blog to read, actually. Your triplets are just a few weeks older than my son, and I can usually relate to their antics. Also, I love how you include Bible verses and lessons in your posts. You are fabulous writer and a model Christian mother and wife. I hope you will always keep writing, and keep posting pictures of those adorable kids!

Anonymous said...

And I DO know how to spell Illinois--geesh! LOL

Mayhem And Miracles said...

Despite not originally meaning your blog to be what it is, I feel blessed to come here and read about your adventures in Motherhood. Although mine are already through those particular stages your kiddos are in, it helps me to remember those feelings and God's goodness to get us through and change my perspective each day to be just a little bit more like his. I agree with your explanation that although life is not always rosy, it's good to concentrate on the blessings. You are one of those to me. Your blog is a ministry not only to you, but to some of us out here as well. Thank you for sharing. Your family is beautiful. And your "wallowing" post is one of my very favorite so far!

Pam said...

I enjoyed reading about how you got started. Especially loved the part about saving $$$ on counseling and scrapbooking supplies : )

I feel the same way about leaving the small talk and pretenses behind. I have thoroughly enjoyed those I've "met" and connected with via blogging.

Keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

I'm probably one of those 800 hits! I don't always comment ( maybe once or twice) because I don't have a blog of my own and on some sites I have to comment under "anonymous", and thats a little creepy to me;) But I love, love, love your blog. I always leave hopeful, encouraged, and more AWARE of my faith. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and faith! It helps more than you'll ever know! Jessica T.

Anonymous said...

I admit it, I'm a lurker! I read your blog regularly and love the stories of your precious children. The things they say are so precious! I am also encouraged by your desire to go deeper with God and reading your blog helps keep me encouraged.

I haven't commented before because I live in the same town (though I have not seen your trio in person!) and thought that might freak you out. I also have an unusual name so I try to keep it off the internet as much as possible.

Thanks for sharing glimpses of your family with us.

The Jones Family said...

I love hearing about your sweet family. I'm not a lurker as I've commented before but I'm not a daily commenter...I'll work on that:)


Jenna said...

Hi JMom, I am one of those 800 who keeps coming back to your blog! I love seeing pics of your adorable family and am always inspired by your words. It was fun to read about your journey into blogging! Hope ya'll have a fun day :)

keri said...

hey! i'm so glad you and angela are a few of the ones who encouraged me to start mine! and after all these years of hearing about you and all of r's other pacelli friends...its so great that now I'M able to get to know you and now i can truly call you my friend!

Amelia said...

Yes, I must admit, I too have been a "lurker". I absolutely love your blog - you are the first one I go to everyday and I get so excited to read your posts. You and I seem alot alike in our hearts and personalities, so I love reading your view of things. Your posts minister to me so much. In fact you quoted a verse the other day from 1 Corinthians 7:17 that was a gift to me through you from the Lord. Thank you so much for your insight. I so love your blog and your truly adorable children. Sorry to have been "lurking" so long. I am new to reading blogs and do not have one of my own - have no idea even how to begin in that area. So I generally "lurk". But I want to encourage you today that your blog is truly a ministry and thank you for allowing us into your life lessons.

Living to Love said...

I have been reading your blog for about 6 months now. I might have commented a couple of times. The main reason I have not done so more often is because I do not have any kiddos so I do not really feel like a credible commenter. Sounds silly, I know. Your blog is actually an inspiration of sorts. You are honest and I feel like that will help me when I am a mommy. No judgement from me!!

Garrett Robinson said...

I can't believe that you have 800 hits a day- wow! That is a lot girlfriend! Guess I am not the only one that reads this, then goes to Beth Moore. They are both spiritually uplifting. I sometimes feel a little funny checking in on your blog so frequently, but not always writing. Its fun though- I either get a good laugh (at the stories about your children) or challenged spritually. Keep it up! I will make more of an effort so you don't have to wonder what the heck us readers are thinking.

Anonymous said...

Hello JMom ... I, too, am a happy lurker. The reason I don't comment is that I'm not married and don't have children and so feel that anything I say would sound worthless! I do so enjoy your blog and hearing of all the wonderful happenings in your family and home. Maybe I'm just looking through a window at what I'll never have ......

Whitney said...

I LOVE your blog! It gives me a real sense of what my life will be like in 2 years. Thank you for sharing!


jamie b said...

Hey Jen! No judgments here. Just a lurker that loves reading what you have to say...and seeing pictures of your 3 miracles. I'm a new mom to a 9 month old and your life lessons really encourage me. I know you are a busy mom and wife, but you always find time for the Lord. That's probably the most encouraging thing to me!!

Thanks for letting us share in a tiny part of your world!! :)