Monday, June 11, 2007


The kiddos usually get up within a few minutes of each other, but lately whoever is last to wake up winds up with the rest of us climbing into their bed. The kiddos call it a party in their beds. I call it wallowing. We just laugh and giggle and enjoy each other. Sometimes it is a story we read, other times it is one someone tells. Yesterday, we were puppies and kittens. The day before we taught our loveys to "fly" by throwing them up in the air. This time frequently ends with a ticklefest.

This morning it was pretending R's bed was a firetruck. The kiddos lined up and the foot of the bed and each pretended to drive, while I was the siren on the back. I was thinking (as I wailed and honked) about how this has become my favorite part of the day. Why? Because we are just enjoying each other. I haven't looked at my endless To Do list yet. Everyone is rested and fresh. It is our time to reconnect and start the day as a team.

It was a great reminder of why life seems so much smoother with a morning quiet time. It is my chance to reconnect with the God of the Universe. To wallow in Him and His Word, while I am rested (even if not yet "fresh" :-) ) To start the day a team.

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.
Psalm 5:3


HW said...


Your posts make me ACHE for the days my children were little.
I am the mother who is thinking wistfully of the past BUT ALSO still sitting in the hot sun (or stinging cold) at ball games (referring to a recent post of yours).
I am very careful to cherish this phase of life, especially since I know how quickly time passes; but oh the memories you bring back to me.
I have often said that 3-year-olds are my favorite people in the whole world. You are in for a magical time right now.
I want triplets!!

Erin said...

I love it!! I love how much fun you all have!! What a fun mommy you are! And, thanks for the reminder about starting our day reconnecting with God. Yeah, um, I started my day with blogs this morning. . . So, excuse me while I go reconnect with my Father!

katie said...

jen, you are ever so slowly making me want to get up early, WHAT?!, and try to spend time with God... keep it up... i haven't started yet. (i'm hard headed, lazy and full of excuses!)

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

We've had a hard day here with lots of three-year-old tantrums and struggles. I love that you remind me that it's all part of the road one travels with little ones and their development and you remind me to search for the positives instead of the ump-teenthtime of "no!", "do it myself",or "WHY?"

Also, you're "God time" with Him and with your trio each morning is something I aspire to. Thanks! (((hugs)))

Kelly said...

Such sweetness! I would love to start my morning at your house. I'm good with mornings. I'm just not quite that enthusiastic in the early hours. Your children are truly blessed to have you as a mother!


Kate said...

I so needed to read your posts from today and yesterday. Thank you for these reminders and for the verses to back them up.


Anonymous said...

Just a suggestion for next time you are in Atlanta, since your babes love firetrucks, go to the local firestation and ask for a tour. The firefighters love to do them and would have a blast with your trips.

Alycia said...

Such a true thing ~ my quiet time with God each morning certainly helps me and allows our day to be much better! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Blessings!