Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Worship the Giver, not the Gifts

"Teach me, o Lord, not to hold onto life too tightly. Teach me to hold it lightly, not carelessly, but lightly, easily. Teach me to take it as a gift to enjoy and cherish it while I have it and let it go gracefully and thankfully when the time comes. The gift is great, but the Giver is greater still. Thou, O God, are the Giver, and in Thee is the life that never dies." ~Theodore Parker Ferris

I have been overwhelmed in the last 24 hours by the stark realization of the fragile nature of life. As Randi & Todd have waited for the birth of their sons, (who arrived safely this afternoon, Hallelujah!)I have been back to the depths of my own birthing experience. To watch someone I love go through similar circumstances has been heart wrenching. God has reminded me again of the INCREDIBLE gift of life...mine and my children's...and all of our lives, for that matter.

I love the quote above, because we are reminded that only a HUGE, AWESOME, MIGHTY God could give a gift so marvelous. It is truly incomprehensible. May none of us take this for granted. Oh Lord, how I pray that You will give me nudges when I get bogged down in the minutiae. Remind me. Remind us.

My children, meanwhile, have been quite full of life...oblivious to the perils and heartbreak life holds, unencumbered by fear or worry, they just LIVE!

"The gift is great, but the Giver is greater still..." Amen.


Erickson 5 said...

I totally agree with your comment about how your kids just LIVE! I think about this all the time now. These kids are growing and changing so fast. These past few months I have seen them change right before my eyes. Thank you for this post!

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

That's great! I love all the tricks and tips below and will file them all away in my head for when the boys get a little bigger. Can't wait to hear more about Randi & Todd's boys!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos - your children look so joyful!

GM's Mom said...

Hi JenMom

I just have to introduce myself, my name is Heidi and I ventured onto your blog from SuperDuper Jack's blog. Les, is a dear friend of mine.
I admire you with your adorable triplets and love reading your blog.


Erin said...

Love the quote! Glad everything went well with your friend and her sweet boys!