Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Thanks to the suggestions on the Tricks of the Trade post! There were some great ideas that I definitely plan to try.

This comment from Chris in Canada has been churning in my head and heart tonight:
"I can't stress enough how much this has helped my parenting! When my kids start squabbling (with five of them around, there's plenty of opportunity!), before I get involved in the conflict, I start ferociously praying for them.
Stuff like: God, help them remember what they should do right now! God, put Your Peace in their hearts. Make them peacemakers!! God, give her self-control over her tongue right now. God, soften his heart - help him to forgive his sister.
I'm amazed at how many times this has avoided my need to get involved. Not always, by any means. But there have been countless beautiful situations where I've seen God's Spirit working in them and molding them. "

I was really convicted as I read this that I parent SO MUCH out of my own fleshly emotion and strength (or lack thereof). How much different would my parenting be if I really implemented this? If I am who I say I am, a follower of Jesus who strives to live my life in a way that glorifies Him, shouldn't I be seeking His wisdom, guidance and intercession in circumstances all day?

"If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought." James 1:5-6 (The Message)

"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers..." Ephesians 6:18 (New Living Translation)

Thanks for the challenge, Chris!


The Gatekeeper said...

I have learned to depend on the Lord to break up the fights between my two teens. It's quite funny actually to hear them try to work it out. I didn't think my daughter made sense but apparently my son did and they made up. Sorry if I don't make sense, it's 2:00am or close to it. You have a great blog and thanks for reminding me that our Lord can do so much better. Good night.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing such a great parenting tip. Sometimes we make parenting so much more complicated than it has to be. I pray for my little guys daily, but never thought of bringing the Lord into their squabbles instead of myself! I think He will make a much better peacemaker!!!


Unknown said...

WOW. I needed this so much. THANK YOU.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I smiled when I read this.

This morning has not been a good one. Parenting has been rough.

I needed to read my own tip!

Thanks Jen,
:-) Chris in Canada

Renee said...

I was convicted when I read this in your comments. Something we all need to be reminded of ... and often!