Friday, May 04, 2007

Wake Up Call

The nature of my husband's job is such that at least 2 nights a week, we are at the mercy of his pager. Because his call covers the in-patients of 4 surgeons and ER/trauma call, it is quite rare to have a "quiet night." Combine that with the fact that his alarm goes off (for the first time :) at 5:15 and it makes for an unusually noisy nighttime and early morning. In our former house, our master bedroom was on the main floor and the children were upstairs. In the new house, we are all upstairs with hardwoods in every sound carries BIG TIME.

I have evolved to be a very heavy sleeper as a result of the pager and the phone. I am, literally, now able to sleep through his pager, his alarm clock and extended phone calls with the hospital (which occasionally happen simulataneously.) In the true spirit of motherhood, I somehow still have supersonic hearing as it relates to the nighttime sniffling, coughing, or restlessness of my children.

Despite all of this, I was still quite amused yesterday morning to wake up to the sound of K's sweet little sleepy voice from the down the hall saying, "Dad-dee! Get! yo'! pager!" Seems he had been "snoozing" the alarm for several minutes. We had both managed to sleep right through it. The sound of our little girl's voice was definitely a much sweeter (and entertaining) wake up call!


Anonymous said...

adorable :)

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Awwww. And, isn't that supersonic mom hearing a blessing and a curse? *wink* Our latest middle-of-the-night smile: hearing the pitter-patter of little feet at 3am, going into the bathroom, the toilet flushing, and the patter back to bed!

Aunt Boo said...

How funny. At least she didn't get up ready to party. I hope for your sake she went back to sleep.

Jenn Cav said...

That is great! I love reading your blog. I stumbled upon it a while back thru a blog of a blog...and I love hearing your stories because I too am a young (Southern:) mom married to a young physician who can now sleep thru the snoozes and the pager! Your blog is inspriring and entertaining...always makes me smile. You are doing a great job!!!

Connie Barris said...

After taking call for 15 years.. I understand how you learn to adjust to that...
So I'm laughing... because the second I quit call... I could have slept through an earthquake... oh, I did.. remember that one we had years ago?? I slept through it!!

But it is funny how our children adapt so to our schedules.... they are so sweet...

by the way, I had to page your husband numerous times today.. and he is very polite...on the other end...a rare quality these days....


Erickson 5 said...

This made me crack up! Thanks for sharing this story. Aren't they becomming such fun little people now!?! I LOVE IT!