Thursday, May 17, 2007

First Visit to the Dentist

Whatcha doin' up der, R?

Before going to the dentist today, I tried to get the children excited by reminding them we had met Dr. Ben last week when we were out and about. He explained that he had a special treasure box and would let them play with Mr. Thirsty, Mr. Scratchy and some of the other instruments. K got really excited and with HUGE eyes said, "And. And. And, we be like NE-MO at da dentist?" I laughed out loud at the negative connotation they already had of going to the a result of Nemo of all things! I explained that Dr. Ben was so nice and that did not have any fish, but that they would get to SPIT at the dentist's office. This seemed to be the right approach with R who replied, "And it will be SO! MUCH! FUN!" I hoped he was right...

When I booked the appointments, I put R he is really a people pleaser and generally my obedient son. He also LOVES to be first. I was quite amused when the hygienist asked him, "Are you going to be first?" Without missing a beat, he replied, "Nope, it is K's turn." K immediately insisted, "No, I want P to go."

R did go first and there were no tears or problems. He was so brave and really seemed to enjoy the new experience. K was asking for a turn before the hygienist was done. What a blessing! K had her turn getting her teeth cleaned and counted and was a tearless champ as well. The boys, meanwhile, had a ball with the dental equipment.
When it was P's turn he pitched a fit. He is not a fan of haircuts, so I was not really surprised. He wanted nothing to do with the chair, the hygienist or Dr. Ben--even when I offered to let him sit in my lap. It would have involved some major cajoling to convince him to have a cleaning. We all agreed it was not worth the fight, so 2/3 of the crew have clean shiny teeth...and we'll try again next time with P.
As a reward for good behavior, I did what any great Mom would do: I brought them home and fed them candy. :-)


Anonymous said...

I went to the dentist yesterday but it wasn't nearly as much fun as that looks!

Pam said...

So glad I'm not the only one . . . I remember my kids being sad that they didn't get a lollipop at the dentist like at the bank. I informed them that it probably wouldn't be a good idea for the dentist to give out sweets, then I gave them some once we got home, too : )

I'm headed to the dentist next week, but for two fillings -- not such a fun cleaning.

Anonymous said...

I'm with the kiddo's. Bee Bee would rather be anywhere than the dentist chair.

Military Mommy said...

It is such a blessing to have a child-friendly dentist. Definitely a turnaround from when I was a kid.

Glad they enjoyed their visit (except for Parker, of course - 2 out of 3 aint that bad). ;)


Renee said...

I dread these type of appts, so much so, that my husband has been told the date and time that he has to take off work to enjoy the bonding time with the 2 oldest in a month at the dentist. That is not my area.

MamaBear said...

I just have to tell you how impressed I am that with all the excitement of getting three little ones to the dentist for their first cleaning, that you actually remembered your camera! My youngest goes for his first cleaning next week, and you can bet I'll be remembering my Minolta now, thanks to you!

Anonymous said...

My daughter was like Parker and didn't want to get her teeth cleaned or checked or even sit in the chair at our dentist office. We tried 3 times over the course of a year and she was very tearful and scared.

They referred us to a pediatric dentist and we took her expecting the same behavior.

Lo and behold, she didn't cry one single time... she had x-rays, a cleaning, a flouride shower and let the dentist examine her teeth. She is so excited about it, she wants to go back. I don't know what they do at the pediatric dentist that is different, but it totally works.

If Parker doesn't come around eventually it might be something to try??? Just a thought.

I'm terribly impressed that Kate and Ryland were able to get their teeth cleaned on the first visit. How brave they are!

keri said...

that is no small feat taking all 3 to the dentist! i'm quite impressed! i've been dreading taking ella...and she is almost 5 -- i've been avoiding it that long!!

Melissa said...

Cute pics. I'm glad it turned out okay. At least you don't have to worry about it again for a while!

I ordered "Sacred Parenting" today. Can't wait for it to get here.

Anonymous said...

Today I was sitting in the dentist chair and the pregnant hygienist said, "I cleaned triplets this morning". I asked if it was the Scotts and she said yes. I was so disappointed I didn't get to run into you. I asked how they did and she said two were great but one was afraid. My comment to her was....that must have been Parker and she said yep! Your husband did surgery on mine and the nurse at the hospital told us about the triplets and the website. We have 4 children and 2 of them are girl/boy twins born 32 weeks early. So while my husband was snoozing in the hospital I was having fun reading about your kids. I love your blog and check it out almost daily. I'm the one that suggested you should write a book. I guess I've forgotten how busy I was with three kids in the house. lol (the forth came 6 years after the twins) My husband was poked yesterday morning by yours at the clinic and he said they had fun joking back and forth. Your children are richly blessed to have you as their mother! I hope to get to meet you someday.

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Oh, Jen! I never thought to take pictures when I took "Flicka" to her first appt in March! Your three did better than her. Ours turned into just a "happy visit" since Flicka refused to let the hygenist in her mouth! LOL But, she "helped" the hygenist clean mine by holding a mirror! LOL

Heidi said...

I took my 3yr old to the dentist just last week for her first appt. Having tried the optometrist only a few months before with no luck I was skeptical. We played dentist at home all afternoon complete with dora the dentist chair and check ups with all her stuffies. Her appt went very well. Our dentist has a tv screen in the room so it also helped that Diego was on. Her big sister also held her hand for support. Good luck next time!

Anonymous said...

My middle son did great w/ his first dentist appt at age 3. Then we moved and changed age 4 he threw a fit and almost bit the dentist's finger. LOL! He was fine after that. My little one was a little weepy, but now he's fine about it too. Parker will figure it out.