Friday, May 18, 2007

The Word

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.

Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out.

Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
Romans 12:1-2 The Message
God is doing a huge work in my life right now. He is showing me some difficult, painful things about myself and challenging me to really do some things differently. I am having to live at His feet. (Shouldn't I have been there all along?) I am scared, but committed. This is one of those times that I know I will look back on years later as a watershed moment.
I may write about it at some point, but right now, it is between Him and me. Today, I just want to pass on the Word of God. I really love Romans 12. It is a passage I will definitely challenge my children to commit to memory one day.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that a wonderful chapter Jen? I had to memorize the last half of it for a class I took at Bible School and I find several of the verses will still pop up in my head when facing certain situations.

Rich, rich words.

It's exciting to read about God doing His work in your life! Carry on, my sister in Christ!

Chris in Canada

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

God seems to be working on a lot of women right now. Calling us to rise up higher, to a higher level of worship and commitment. God bless your obedience and your time with Him!

Sarah said...

I agree heartily with Beth--in fact, my mom and I just spent two hours on the phone discussing my own hard road! But as hard as it is to be shown the truth about ourselves (and to change it!), it's a lot worse to be stagnant. Stagnant is smelly :)

I'm praying for you on the journey :)

MLS said...

I am not sure, at this point, how I came across your blog, but I have enjoyed it thoroughly. I am a teacher of 4 year olds in Memphis, TN and do not have children of my own, yet. I love your helpful hints. You are a great example of showing Christ to small children in the little things. I love it!
I have a blog, too, and would love for you to follow along with my mission trip to Africa that will begin in a week.

God bless

Pam said...

Praying right along with you, and feeling God doing the same thing in my own life. One day I may blog again and share all God has been doing during this pruning time of my life. Until then, I applaud you for being willing to be "scared, but committed". I think that brings Him joy as well and that is the beginning of a stronger, well-used faith.

Ivey's Mom said...

You may be scared and committed, but you are always surrounded by some wonderful people who love you dearly and would do anything to help you.. Just let us know. I will definately be there.

Aunt Boo said...

I am here if you need me.

I Love You,

Jennifer said...

It is so exciting to hear all the exciting things God is doing in so many lives right now.
Just to clarify. I am OK. I am really energized. This is good stuff God is doing...It just requires hard work on my part. Self improvement is humbling and hard sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Hi JenMom - I'm a lurker! I came across your blog 'cause I love infertility stories and somehow ended up here (I'm an RE NP).

That passage from the Message has been one of my favorites since I'd heard of the Message interpretation. I really enjoy reading your blog, you're so spot on with where I think so many of us are. Thanks for being so real and so cool...I feel like I know you, though we'll probably never meet!

Erin in Ohio