Sunday, April 22, 2007

God Talk

Another K story...She is on a roll.
Tonight at dinner, it was R's turn to lead the blessing. When he finished, K asked, "Does God have a bottom?" Daddy laughed and said, "How are you gonna answer that one, Mama?"
I started trying to explain that God was invisible, but that we could see him in creation, in the lovingkindness of people, etc. Although she was listening, K wasn't buying it.
"But, Mama, what does he have?"
"Well, he doesn't look like us--but we were created in His image..."
(Help me, Lord, I have no idea how to answer this question in a way that this little mind can grasp. My little mind cannot even grasp it...and 6 little eyes are staring me down waiting for an explanation.)"You know, let me think. He has eyes so he can always see us. He has ears to hear our prayers. He has arms to lift us up and hold us close. He has a heart that loves us so much."
K interrupted, "And he has feet to walk down that road and come eat with us."

P.S. In case you are wondering why P seems suspiciously absent during all these mealtime chats...He is far too busy making HUGE messes with his food to bother with conversation. Seriously.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

I love that story! My kids are constantly amazing me as they come up with such gems!

Jill said...

That is a great story. What a wonderful answer. And I just had to comment on Parker. I do believe he is eating without a shirt (due to the messiness factor???) I do the same with my little guy. Saves lots of clothes.

Phyllis R. said...

Well, I've asked a LOT of questions about God myself, and heard a lot of questions asked about Him......but that one is a FIRST!!

I loved, by the way, your answer - with eyes to see us, ears to hear our prayer, etc. I would have NEVER thought of that explanation. Good job and thanks for the story.

Perri said...

Good to see Parker has his priorities straight! Food first - who can talk theology on an empty stomach?

Girl Raised in the South said...

Have you considered bathtub dining? Seriously! xoxoxo