Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Internet Security

A couple of the blogs I read regularly have posted over the last couple of days on the topic of Internet security and why they do not want to post their children's pictures and/or personal information on the web.

I actually have a minority opinion on this matter, and since I am asked about this occaisionally, I thought I would attempt to address why I am OK with posting info about the kiddos. (Let me preface with the fact that I also FIRMLY believe this is a very personal decision that each parent reserves the right to make--I do not judge others who choose to alter their children's photos, etc. A mama has to do what a mama has to do...)

I know that there are sickos in this world. I am Vice President of the Board of Directors of a home for abused children. I have heard stories that would make your blood run cold. As a result of this experience, I know that the VAST majority of these incidences are crimes of opportunity, perpetrated by people who are close to the children or seized an opportunity and RARELY strangers/stalkers. I am very particular about the individuals who have access to my children in real life. I know the addresses of local predators. I lock my doors and set my home security alarm. I PRAY for safety for my children.

I feel like we are just as likely to be targetted by someone who follows us home from WalMart as we are by someone trolling the Internet. Sickos can find children from school yearbooks, pictures in the newpapers, etc. At some point we have to live our life and not allow the "what ifs" to paralyze us.

That said, I do wish I had never started using our names...but now they are out there. I also will never post where they attend school, the name of our church or a picture of the front of our house--because even though a google savvy person could figure out where to find us, I'd just as soon not hand them a map with an X marking the spot.

I am not, by nature, a particularly fearful person. I am not really a worrier. Admittedly, this sometimes may lead me to err on the wrong side of things. I have considered changing my blog to be password protected, but the truth is, I feel like God is using this daily testimony to encourage folks who would certainly never hear our story if it were kept under lock and key. So, I pray and I trust. I move forward in faith believing that God will protect us. Lord, please prove me right.


sara said...

Thanks so much for that post! I love to read your blog...very encouraging!!! I have been worried about this stuff- it is good to hear both sides of the issue.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog since...May? June? I'm not sure how long now; I've commented maybe twice. I think your life, and what you've shared of your family, is a brilliant testimony that's helped me enormously, I'll admit, as I've turned back to God from a very painful experience. Would it be the same if you didn't share pictures and used code names? I honestly don't know. But what you've shared has been an inspiration, and so thank you! For all the potential 'bad guys' out there, there's been at least one who you've impacted in a very positive way.


katie said...

Jen, you're right that many feel very differently about this issue, but I also post names and at times pictures. I just don't want to be a captive to fear. Many things in this world could absolutely paralyze me if I let them. I don't want to give that kind of power to anything except God.
Thanks again for sharing...

Kim said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My husband and I had a conversation this past week about continuing to post photos of our daughter on my blog. But it just would not be the same without them. I too want to live my life with trust in God and in others. I feel it's almost a reap what we sow equation in some ways. But at the end of the day, the Lord has us all in His Hands. Thanks for your words of faith. Kim

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, even though I have commented maybe once or twice, I lurk on your blog even though we go to the same church and until recently lived in adjoining neighborhoods. I got into blogging checking on Ivey and found your wonderful testimony. Thank you for sharing and I pray for safety for your family.

Deidre said...

You're right - God is using your blog to touch many people (including me), so I'm thankful you're not going to change it.

I do appreciate your comments, and you're right, it's a personal decision. You know what's best for your family and you have to discern when things need to change, if at all. I admire you for not living in fear. A lot of us do, or at least I do, which is something I'm having to surrender to the Lord.

I am blessed by your stories...truly!

boomama said...

Love your heart, friend. :-)

D. and I were talking about this at supper tonight - and I have that same tendency as you: I don't want to be ruled by fear. I think that having a peace about what we post and why we post it goes a long way...and by the way, A. was just jumping up and down at the pictures of your sweet three. He LOOOVES them.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

That's the same decision we've made about our family, we trust that the Lord will protect our children and believe that those who read our blog have good intentions.

I'll be so sad if you password protect your blog because I LOVE to read it and the photos always brighten my day!!


Sarah said...

First off, I LOVE your new look! So perfect for your blog :)

And second, I wish I had read this earlier; right after I read Shannon's post, I panicked and pulled all the kids' pictures off. I instantly regretted it.

It's a fine line between protection and paranoia. Like you, I want to be practical and cautious, but not fearful and overprotective.

As always, you write with thoughtfulness and encouragement. You are a blessing :)

nikko said...

I have the same opinion. I don't use our names, but I do post tons and tons of pictures. Sharing pictures and updates on my kids with my extended family and friends is one of the main reasons I have my blog in the first place.

There's nothing we can do to protect our families 100%. We do the best we know how with the knowledge that we have and trust in God to fill in the gaps.

I, too, love the new look of your blog! It's so cute!

primarycolors said...

Yes, thank you. I had read Shannon's post too and although I didn't pull pics off like Sarah, I felt "sick" about it all day wondering if I was doing the right thing. If I had really thought about all this before I started blogging I probably wouldn't have named it "beautiful girls", LOL. But I am the same, like you I'm not a worrier by nature- and my blog has brought so much happiness to my extended family that I just can't regret keeping it the way it is. But I don't do blogrolls, I don't do any "Mr. Linkys" and I don't put our last name or school out there.

I am loving the story about Grandmama... can't wait for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
Kate and I also read frequently but don't comment much. While I see you and your sweet children often, it is inspirational to read about your lives. You are a wonderful writer, and you are leaving a very special gift to your children--one that wouldn't have as much punch if you edited your words/photos more heavily.
That said, I also want to let you know that God used your blog in my life. I lead a small group of young women at our church, and we had decided to study Genesis as a group. When I read way back that you were enjoying Beth Moore's Patriarchs, I had to believe that God wanted me to check into it. Long story short, that is the study of Genesis that we chose. You never know the impact of your words on those around you!!
Keep writing,
Cindy D.

Justice Fergie said...

Hi Jen,

I totally agree that posting pics and names is an intensely personal decision. I just wanted to say that if you really do wish you had never posted your kids' names, it's not too late! It would take a little bit of time but you could edit your archives and use aliases going forward. Just a thought...

Nikki said...

thanks for your input. i had changed my blog to invitation only, then i changed it back to public b/c i felt like i would be missing out on "blog-city". I agree - we can't live in fear... God CAN take care of us.