Friday, January 19, 2007

Hide & Seek

Yesterday afternoon, the kids and I tried to make the most of the cold weather with a rousing game of Hide & Seek. I couldn't help but make some observations.
1- They always hide in the same places.
2- They really want to be found. They either run out just as I announce, "Ready or Not..."shouting "Here I am!!!" Or they yell from their hiding place, "Come find me!"
3- If I am an 'Hider' and not 'It' they beg to hide with me. "Pweeze, I hide wid ju, Mommy." I must admit holding them close in the darkness, listening to them breathe excitedly is one of my favorite parts of the game.

Isn't this true of all of us?
1- When we are fearful, ashamed or in rebellion from God, we always find the same sins/patterns/places to hide.
2- It is the longing of our lonely hearts to be 'found' by someone.
3- When life is dark, the very best hiding place is in the arms of our Father.

You are my hiding place; You protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. Psalm 32:7

The final, completely NON-spiritual observation: Is there ANYTHING like the sound of giggles, squeals and the pitter patter of bare feet on hardwood floors? May I never forget that precious sound!


Stephanie said...

What a great observation!

Anonymous said...

SO true... the precious sounds of hide-and-seek with little ones AND the spiritual truth. Thank you for sharing that today.

Erickson 5 said...

I love playing Hide & Seek with my kids. I love the giggles and the pitter patter of feet. I also appreciate your relation with Hide & Seek and spirituality. Thank you for this refreshing post!

Paulette said...

Hello Jenmom,
This was a beautiful and true post. I love hearing about theses sweet babies. I am glad you cherish everyday because thats what its all about.

Alison said...

Thanks you for sharing the spiritual truths which ashamedly I admit would not have occured to me!

Perhaps you should write a devotional book based on other such comparisons (for lack of a better word).....