Friday, January 19, 2007

The Little Man

I have decided R is really a 40 year old man in a 2.5 year old body. These are actual quotes from yesterday afternoon.
K: "Look at dis picture I draw, R."
R: "Oooooo. Dat so pwetty, K!"

R: "Mommy. I finish on da potty. May I be 'scused now?"

While playing:
K: "I don't feel well, R." (She was fine. She just wanted the toy he was playing with.)
R: "Yeah...(never looking up) maybe P help you."
Editted to add:
This morning, as I finished clipping his fingernails, he patted me on the chest and said, "Tank you for you helping me, Mom."


Elizabeth Lucas Wilson said...

First, I'll admit that this comment has nothing to do with your latest post. I'm uncertain how I stumbled upon your blog, but I do think that maybe it was some sort of divine intervention into my life. I've so enjoyed reading about your, a stranger to me, life. Through your posts, I've found that we have more in common than I ever imagined. I am an alumnae of the great University of Alabama, I'm approaching 29 as of next month, recently married the love of my life, and was diagnosed in December with PCOS. I've read your blog for about a month now, and only last night did I discover that you battled this strange syndrome.
I'm a believer that God places people, sometimes strangers, into our lives for a reason. As I've been reading your posts, I'll admit that my curiosity of you and your precious children often brings tears. I assume that it is really the fear of my own infertility in disguise. Learning last evening that we were more alike than I could imagine has given me hope. Thank you for sharing your life with the world and with me. Thank you for giving me courage that you had no idea you were providing.

Lacey said...

Cute kiddos! :) Ryland sounds as grown up as my Nickolas always has been! Nickolas IS his daddy. Seriously.

(That last comment from Elizabeth was so sweet!)

Deidre said...

How cute! It must be so entertaining to hear (watch) the three of them interact with each other.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

we parent multiples as well. sheer joy. though we enjoy your blog and sharing - are you aware you do not mention on of your children? you seem to be caught up on ryguy and ryguy ryguy. it is good advice to keep it even dear. don't be discouraged, it goes in cycles. folks have mentioned the same to us at times and it always helped so hope this does. all the best.

Erin said...

You have been a busy blogger today!! Ry-guy is a doll and a half - so cute!! I really feel like I know your kids voices because of the way you write all their words the way they pronounce them!! I always love your stories!

But, I must say I LOVE the hide and seek analogy! So, true!! I love the way our children teach us about God's love! There are so many little lessons if we are looking for them!

I am thinking about your new home and ideas for you!!! Fun, fun, fun!! I will email you when I think of some things!!

Jennifer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer said...

Interesting observation. I do blog about the other two, the truth is he is VERY verbal and just gives me a lot more material these days.
Don't worry--things are equal, equal, equal in our home.

HW said...

I, for one, have never noticed that you mention one child more than the others. Sure there are days, when one is "featured" but it always seems to even out. And I consider myself somewhat of an expert on your blog since I am positively addicted to it. It makes me miss the toddler years so much. The "RyGuy, RyGuy, RyGuy" comment made me think of the Brady Bunch. You know. "MARCIA, MARCIA, MARCIA..."

Ivey's Mom said...

Since I know you personally, the entire RyGuy comment is completly void. Keep in mind the joys of putting it out on the web (matt and ginny). I always love the fact that 'anonymous' seems to be the easy outing when posting something a little more than polite. Don't worry, all of us who know you have never observed anything but equal love and adoration for your babies!

Paulette said...

Oh my, they need to go back and read, read, read!! There is no doubt in my mind that all your babies get definate equal love and praise. Why do people even make such rude comments?
You are the best Jenmom!
After my post today, all I can say is let me at em LOL!

Alison said...

I posted a comment but it is not here.... I just wanted to cheer you on in your blogging. I read everyday and never have I found you to favour one over the other. Keep on truckin....