Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Multiple Mamas

A strange thing happens when you discover you are expecting multiples-- you have immediate friendships with DOZENS of people you never knew, who also have multiples. These friendships are so dear because of the bond we share of unconventional pregnancies and parenting issues. We can swap stories about the hilarious, bizarre & personal questions complete strangers ask us in public. We share ideas for the challenges that are unique to our situations (bottle feeding 3 babies simultaneously, how to design and adhere to a STRICT daily schedule, getting 3 toddlers safely across a parking lot, is a $900 triple stroller really necessary. etc...)
These are also the women you can be real with about the stress and challenges of raising multiple same age children without having to explain to them how truly thankful you are for your children...and that you really are not being ungrateful or complaining.

These new friendships are a bonus, but it is great when some of your old friends are in the same boat, too. Last weekend we were able to meet up with some of our "old" friends, the Taylors, whose twins are 4 months younger than the trio for a little fun in the sun. I love these multiple playdates, because we don't overwhelm each just feels normal!

It is also fun to think about our children growing up with contemporaries who are also multiples.

The kids are doing much better in the pool. We may have swimmers by the end of the Summer!

1 comment:

Perri said...

One of my best friends has 6 (pregnant again) kids under 9 and adding mine to it, we can never go anywhere together without being asked what "daycare" we are from.