Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Beauty from Ashes

I woke up this morning feeling heavy for all the brokenness is this world. My friend C is slowly coming out of the chemically induced fog, but the reality is she has a long way to go spiritually and emotionally from here. She is at Ground Zero and the rebuilding will likely be a painstaking process.

Just over from her in the ICU is a teenager fighting for his life after different kinds of choices put him in a very dangerous place. He will forever carry physical scars from the violence. He, too, is at a Ground Zero of sorts.

I am on my way to coffee this morning with a single mama friend battling cancer for the second time. Stage IV cancer with a 5&7 year old. I cannot fathom the fears that must haunt her. She MUST trust God's plan for herself, but especially her children.

I have several people in my immediate circle of friends and family fighting serious battles right now.

I used to pray that God would break my heart for the things that break His. I am realizing that I don't have the capacity for that. There is so much brokenness and hurt. I want to fix it all, honestly...but my feeble attempts are like trying to rebuild the World Trade Center with duct tape and Elmer's school glue. I am incapable. (and frankly, I am oblivious to the intricate details of the master plan.)

This morning, it makes me want to fall on my face in praise all the more that today is Ash Wednesday...because THIS is why Jesus came and sacrificed His life. He came to bind up the broken hearted, to bear the weight of sin in the world that we cannot, to fill the lonely places and to restore beauty where there appear to be only ashes.

I rejoice today in the hope of Ash Wednesday!

Oh, Lord, we need You!


Nikki said...

Beautifully written! Your friends are in my prayers, too.

Granny Girl said...

I'm going through the same part of the journey that you are, wanting to fix others' problems, but understanding that I can't. But God can, and does, and will.

Thank you for the beautifully written and well thought out words.

Missy June said...

Oh yes, we need Him. As a single mama, becoming ill and incapable of caring for my little ones is one of my greatest fears. I pray for your friend today. So often it seems the least able are burdened by the most! I hate it.

The Ryans said...

Beautifully spoken. I feel the same way so often. I love how God uses us all as individual threads to weave a Master design. It is so hard to feel so helpless as the feeble humans that we are to help those we see hurting - but God equips us to be able to give and do exactly the amount we are supposed to do (no more, no less) - and it IS part of His Master design.