Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Asking the Right Question

When I have the same message/lesson presented in my life repeatedly I try to pay attention. Such is the case with something God has been teaching me in the last few days.

Last week I read a great passage from Lysa TerKeurst regarding our propensity to ask why when things don't turn out as we had hoped/planned. She encouraged believers to ask a different more hopeful question instead: What?

What are you up to God?
What is this teaching me?
What do you require of me?

I loved this quote:
"In most situations, nothing positive can come from whatever answer there may be to a why question. If God gave us His reason why, we would judge Him. And His reasons, from our limited point of view would fall short. That's because our flat human perceptions simply can't process God's multidimensional, eternal reasons."
-Lysa TerKeurst, Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl

Over coffee this morning with a friend this concept was taken a step further. As we were talking about how God could be glorified in a challenging situation she is facing, we resolved that it might not even be about her. She & her family may be bit players in a grander lesson God is teaching someone else in their life.

Then this afternoon I was in the car for a couple of hours and had the chance to get caught up on a few sermon podcasts. This particular one was about David & Goliath. The speaker, Gavin Adams, pointed out that after a 40 day standoff the shepherd David was the first one to ask a different question: Who?

"Who does he think he is, anyway, this uncircumcised Philistine, taunting the armies of God-Alive?" I Samuel 17:26b

Who am I allowing to intimidate me when I have God on my side?
David knew WHO God is and therefore, he was full of courage.
If God is for us, who can be against us?

Life can be confusing. The older I get the more I realize just how broken it is--and the less predictable and secure life feels. In times of trial we all have the tendency to ask a lot of questions. My prayer is that God will grant me the wisdom and discernment to know the right ones to ask.

In my next trial or disappointment I pray that instead of an immature response of WHY? I can ask different questions:
Who is this God I serve? (He is I AM. My Sovereign, Holy, Creator, Sustainer, Protector, Lover of My Soul and Savior.)
What does he want from me? (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:33 Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly. Micah 6:8)


Traci said...

Thank you. I needed this today.

Wife Goes On said...

Thank you for sharing this. It is an amazing explanation, and I love that we need to remember who is in control and ask what God is asking of me in each situation. THank you for allowing God to use you in your sharing.