Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day Recap

I picked up three non-stop talking, very excited and HAPPY 1st graders this afternoon. We went for celebratory ice cream while they told me all about their "awesome" "best day ever." They loved their teachers and have all told me repeatedly tonight how much they love 1st grade. The absolute icing on the cake for me was opening up K's backpack and finding this as I reviewed her work...I am pretty sure I smiled as big as her drawing. It just doesn't get better than that!


"The Mrs." said...

That is so fun!!!

dee said...

I love it- what a smile!

Jenny said... glad they had a GREAT first day!

C R said...

Awww...Ice cream is our first day (and last day) of school ritual, too. I'm glad they enjoyed it. My kids had milestones last week. My oldest daughter is in 3rd grade (in a different building that is 3rd-5th and all the children seem so big) and the twins started 1st. I don't remember being shocked at how grown-up 1st grade is compared to kindergarten two years ago.

Keri said...

I smiled when I saw this post last night, and when I thought about it again earlier today, it made me smile then too! :-)