Monday, June 06, 2011

Asking Why?

My nightly blog writing ritual is fairly simple:

1. Tuck in the kids.
2. Proceed to the kitchen to warm up a hot cup of tea. (Stonewall Kitchen Raspberry Peach is my favorite)
3. Get laptop from the charger in the kitchen and bring it with me to the family room.
4. Plop on sofa, prop up feet and start typing.
5. Read post aloud to husband before pressing publish.

My husband isn't always here when I am writing, but whenever possible I try to postpone publishing until he has heard my thoughts. It is partially because I find it an efficient way to recap what is going on in my heart--but it is largely because he is really awesome about helping me identify my motives. He has great judgment. It is not always for his approval, as much as for his feedback. We don't always agree on the necessity of certain information being shared...but it lends itself to great conversation.

When he is not home, I still read back through a post as if I were reading it to him..and I think about the questions he would ask me. Why do I need to write/share that? What good will it accomplish?

I hadn't really thought about step five very much until I read this post by Jon Acuff today about examining our motives before we rush to 'put something out there.' Jon writes:

"Take the time to ask yourself “Why?” You might not like the answer, but why always pays dividends if we’ll take the time to listen."

So, tonight I was thinking about how much better it would be for me if I had more of the same sort of conversations with God before I spoke or acted in my daily life as I do about the things I publish on the web.

I do frequently pray before I act--especially about the 'big' things--but I am doer. I am passionate. I am impulsive. So when I feel justified because I am hurt or feel wronged, or when I just want to get it out...I somewhat purposefully skip the step of asking Why? or What's the point? What comes next?

I rationalize it as decisiveness, bravery or efficiency...but sometimes it is just plain old sinful foolishness.

Wise people think before they act. -Proverbs 13:6 (or speak, or tweet or post or publish...)

And for the record, I read this one aloud to him too...and he approved. :-)

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