After church we went to Atlanta to visit with sweet Nana who is finally starting to feel the weakness of her 90s. Then we met family and friends for an Easter feast!
The afternoon was filled with egg hunting,

It is only possible because of the Author of Love.
We love each other because He loved us first. I John 4:19
I am stunned when I consider that it is but a FRACTION of the lavish love God has for His children.
And it is not even remotely because we deserve it. All the yuck that lurks deep in the hearts of all of us who dressed up in our finery today is known by Him. We can't 'gussy' that up! It is THE reason we celebrate. We should go and make much of what He has done for us!
K & I both wore the same dresses we wore for Easter last year. I didn't think she would remember. But as we were dressing in my closet this morning she said, "Mama, I know why you like for us to wear these white dresses on Easter."
(Truth be told it is quite shallow...they coordinate with the boys' seer sucker pants. What she said next made me SO glad I didn't tell her that.)
"I know it's because Jesus died on the cross to wash our sins away and make us white and clean."
Out of the mouths of babes! We may keep wearing these white dresses as long as they fit us, just for the reminder!
Oh happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away
Oh happy day, happy day
I'll never be the same
Forever I am changed
He is risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah!
Happy Day is still playing in my head tonight, too. It was our closing song at church this morning.
Thank you for the smiles that this post brought to my face. :-) I always love looking at pictures of your happy, beautiful family, especially when you're enjoying such a happy, beautiful, JOYFUL occasion!
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