Friday, February 04, 2011

My Man is 40

Today marks 40 years that my husband has been in this world. In an effort to somehow capture the respect, admiration and love I have for him, I decided to list the first 40 things that came to mind that make me grateful for this man.

I love holding your hand, the sound of your voice and the way (despite your intelligence) you get simple words mixed up. I admire your wisdom, steadiness, leadership, integrity and patience. I love the way you love our children and the rest of your family. (As I am typing this I hear you on the phone with your grandmother--so tender.)

I love listening to you breathe, the feeling of safety when your arm is around my shoulders, how happy I am when I see that it is you calling and how much better I am when you are around. The sound of your laugh soothes me.

You are a true gentleman. You work hard. You play hard. You are undoubtedly devoted to your calling, but have made your family your sole hobby.

I love hearing the way others speak of you. Compassionate, a good listener and a man who chooses his words carefully. You are strong and gentle, honest, kind, loyal, true, responsible and trustworthy.

You somehow balance great common sense with vision and discernment. You are committed, devoted, and passionate about 'the right thing.' Discipline and self control are your friends.
You are a good, godly man who teaches me more about the Father's love everyday. I am so very thankful that God thought you up and gave us to each other. Happy 40th birthday, honey!


Love Being A Nonny said...

What special words for the man you love. Hope he had a wonderful day!

Mindy said...

What a sweet post for your hubby!!!!
And happy birthday to him!!!