Sunday, December 19, 2010

Improvement Projects

My husband and I love old homes. Our house was built in 1950 and we fell in love with it because of the character--the unique moulding, the unusual hardwood floors and the large windowpanes, oversized doors and built-in corner cabinets just not available in new construction.

Yet, the first thing we did (before we even moved in) was make a list of the things we wanted to change. Some of it was cosmetic, but much was behind the scenes--increasing energy efficiency, reducing drafts, insulating, repairing faulty infrastructure. Some of those projects were expensive and despite the hard work didn't really yield results immediately--or that anyone else could readily see.

We are currently saving towards the implementation of plans for a renovation of our 'dream home' that we thought of as 'perfect' when we bought it. As we looked for an architect to help us draw up the plans, our emphasis was on finding someone who would draw plans to enhance, not take away from, the character of our old home. Although there are improvements needed, we don't want to do so at the expense of the home's identity. We fell in love with the quirks.

A couple of days ago when I was in a funk with being a Mama--tired of hearing my own voice nit-picking about things like making beds, flushing toilets, table manners, saying 'yes' not 'yeah' and the like--- it hit me that the same care and consideration involved in selecting an architect needed to be exercised in my 'child improvement projects.'

Isn't the key to maximize their character, protect their unique attributes and celebrate the way God designed them in my womb WHILE working out the things that will be for the ultimate benefit of their hearts, the world and the kingdom of God? Ahhhh, that balance keeps me on my knees in humble submission (and heartfelt repentance.)


Kristen Keeling said...

Oh, so good. Thanks for sharing. I needed to be reminded of this.

Courtney said...

Thankfully we have The Master Architect at our disposal for all our repair needs if only we will allow Him to do it:)

Jennifer said...

Oh, Courtney!!!! SOOOO true!!

k and c's mom said...

Yes, yes and YES. And throw in an "Amen". How can we forget the "day of small things?" (Zech. 4:10) Because (to borrow the quote) they are not small things after all, are they?

Unknown said...

Hi, my name is Lisa and quite honestly, this is weird for me because I am not the type to read and certainly not to leave comments on blogs. However, your blog is such a source of encouragement and laughter for me. I felt I had to let you know. I am the mother of 6 year old girl triplets who are in the first grade. I enjoy reading your posts as they parallel so many of my family's daily activities. Sometimes reading your posts helps me helps me to re-align my expectations and remember my true purpose- to raise Godly children who love the Lord. Thank you.