Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The D Word

Overheard from the backseat as my children were watching "The Planet's Funniest Animals."

P: "He said a bad word on that video!"
R: "He did?"
P: "Yes, D-I-M, dim. That is not a nice word to say! Right, Mom?"

Reason 9435 I adore 6 year olds!

Please, please stay this innocent as
long as possible...

1 comment:

HW said...

My friend's little boy came running in to tattle on his older sister one day:

"Ashley said the 'B' word"

My friend was shocked at how her daughter could say the 'B' word - until her son said:

"She said BRA!!"

I agree; the innocence of this age is priceless.