Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A Lesson from P

My P had a rough afternoon. Nothing overly dramatic happened, he has just been pushing buttons since I got him from school. From taunting siblings to pushing and causing trouble at soccer practice, he has just been unusually spunky today.

At least 4 times in 3 hours I asked, "P, are you being a peacemaker or a troublemaker?"
Each time he answered honestly, with his head tilted down and his big brown eyes peering up over his glasses, "Troublemaker."

During bedtime prayers I asked him what kind of afternoon he thought he had had--and why. He didn't have an answer. We had a little chat about respect and self control and then I encouraged him to pray. He obliged.
"Dear God, please help me make good choices to do the right things and not the wrong ones. In Jesus Name, Amen"
When he looked up, I assured him of his forgiveness.
"Isn't it great that God loves you and I love you? Today is done. We'll start again tomorrow."
A big smile crossed his face.
"You know Mom, it is not good to do the wrong things," an impish, devilish grin crossed his face, "but sometimes it is how you learn."

Indeed it is.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Just precious! I think I need you to tuck me in and remind me of those lessons today!! I had a P kind of day too.