This afternoon, however, due largely to K's persistence, we gave in. Little did I know what grand plans my children had! They wanted to make lots of posters and place them all over town. I managed to get them to settle for one and a last minute facebook and text message campaign.
R decided that they must be in costume and perform a routine "to at-twackt a LOT of cust-da-mas."

The children had a blast and made $8 they plan to apply to a mission trip this Spring.
As I looked back at these pictures tonight--complete with the worn out wagon, upside down poster, messy lettering, random costumes and even the stray dog I couldn't help but rejoice at the sweetness of childhood.
And as sappy and trite as it sounds, I couldn't get these lyrics out of my head...
"These are days you’ll remember
Never before and never since, I promise, will the whole world be warm as this.
And as you feel it, you’ll know it’s true, that you – you are blessed...
These are days you’ll remember.
When May is rushing over you with desire to be part of the miracles you see in every hour, you’ll know it’s true that you are blessed...
These are the days you might fill with laughter until you break.
These days you might feel a shaft of light make its way across your face.
And when you do, you’ll know how it was meant to be ."
-10,000 Maniacs, These Are Days

"You are blessed when you are content with just who you are--no more, no less. That's the moment when you find yourself proud owner of everything that cannot be bought." Matthew 5:5 (The Message)
And as for 'how it was meant to be'--days of innocence and love seem pretty close.
These are days, indeed.
This is precious! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful memory in the making! While on one hand I can't wait for my kiddos to be big enough to do something like this- on the other hand I'm trying to hold onto the precious toddler/preschool years as long as I can! Looks like your trio had a blast!
Hi..quick question..I love the version of the Bible you often quote from titled "The Message." Or I guess that is how to describe it. I am sorry if that is a dumb question. I was wanting to buy that type of Bible..is that what I would look for? Is that what it is? In other words there is NIV, KJV and The Message falls under that category as well? Thanks so much for your help!
Felicia- Yes, The message translation is by Eugene Peterson and you can just look for it under that title. i actually have an NIV/Message parallel that I like to use with Youth (and for reframing a familiar passage for myself!)
It must have been "have a stand" weekend. My daughter had a brownie stand and did pretty well. It was a great experience for her to learn that she could make a product, make a sign, sit with said product and learn to make change (though that one proved to be frustrating at one point.)
How wonderful that your children are raising money for the Dominican Republic!
Oh, I love those kids!!! What precious hearts!!!
Brought a BIG smile to my face. Loving that they already have a heart for missions.
I've enjoyed reading about your family for the last few months.
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me.
You inspire me to be a better mo, a better friend and a better Christ follower.
It must be something in the air because mine want to have an art sale this weekend with money going to an adoption organization we support.
I think is one of my fav posts and I've been reading your blog going on 3 years.
Shannon in Austin
Congrats to those little sweethearts going to Kindergarten....they are all precious. What ON EARTH are you gonna do?? Mine start MDO out 2 days per week...........I think I'm just gonna stare at the wall the first day.
Oh and go to the bathroom by myself. lol
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