Monday, February 01, 2010

Writing Without a Bow

Writing daily has become a part of my life. I am more diligent about observing this daily activity than almost anything else. It seems to be the way I 'put a bow' on my days. Sitting down before bed, running through the days events...sometimes I sit down with a specific thought in mind to explore. Other days the words flow from my fingertips. I find myself surprised by where they end up. After listening to my keyboard pecking, my husband will frequently look over and say, "So, whatcha writing about tonight?"

It was not really my intention to skip a day (almost two) but the truth is, I don't really have any bows right now. I have a lot of thoughts...but no strong conclusions. Sometimes life is just like that.

Tonight we had a few couples over to spend some quality time with the Sweeneys. It was not sad. There was lots of laughter and the joy that is found in comfortable, loving friendships. We ate delicious food, played a very competitive game of Catch Phrase (men vs. women, of course) and generally enjoyed our time together.

No worries about tomorrow, next week, next month or next year were expressed. We just enjoyed tonight.

As I looked around the room I was overwhelmed by the rich friendships God has placed in my life. The older I get the more I value friends. The kind you can laugh with, cry with, smoke out your house because you lit a fire without opening the chimney's flue with (oh, yes, I did). The kind that often know what you need before you do. The kind that you know will be faithful to pray.

These are the kinds of friends that don't need a neat bow at the end of every conversation.

My friend Emmy shared with us tonight about her recent trip to Houston to celebrate with other "Siestas" who have been faithfully memorizing Scripture through Beth Moore's blog. As she talked about the message of the weekend it resonated with me. Beth encouraged the women in attendance to "Let the Word take root, hide it in your heart. Do not pass it on until it is planted! Hear the word then 'PRESS it IN!'"

As someone who loves to communicate, I really appreciated that image. As it is with the Word of God, so it is with things in my life. I like a lesson--a nice clean summary statement that makes sense of things.

Ironically, by rushing to put a neat bow on things too quickly, I may inadvertently deny myself the opportunity to wrestle with an issue. It is often in the wrestling and the pondering that God reveals a much deeper truth. I am challenged to spend more time quietly and prayerfully considering before I run out to discuss it with everyone else.

Here's to the discernment to know when to simply "press it in!"


R said...

a good word, as always.

i was just thinking about you and wondering how things are since we hadn't heard from you!

Daree said...

I love the part about "smoke out your house"...ha ha ha! Love you! Glad you guys had such a great night with great friends!

Kelly said...

Oh I have definitely done that. I lit a fire and then went to the bathroom, and I didn't even know the house was filling with smoke! Luckily my husband was home, and he opened the flue and started opening windows.
Thank you so much for writing and for sharing with the internet world. I am so encouraged by your blog, and often entertained, too! :)

Deidre said...

I met your friend Emmy in Houston, but had no idea she was your friend or neighbor. My best friend passed away suddenly in Nov. She and I were planning to go to Houston together, so once she passed away, the thought of going was just too much. Two weeks before the event my husband surprised me with a plane ticket. I had to go! Emmy had sent me the sweetest prayer in November, so I was thrilled to get to meet her and put a name with a face. I posted a picture on my blog. The Body of Christ is amazing.

The part about 'pressing it in' was one of the biggest things that stuck with me. I read so much to prepare for SS lessons and bible study and can't wait to share without taking the time to let it absorb in my own heart first. Such a great lesson there.