Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A Lesson from Mary

Monday night I was shocked when my Bible-Study-of-one had 5 attendees. Because I was only expecting my usual one I was not really as prepared as I should have been. As we started chatting I asked the girls if they had ever heard the word Advent. I was greeted with blank stares.

So, I started telling them the Christmas story. As I went through the story it became obvious that they were not very familiar with it. As a matter of fact, they were shocked to hear how young Mary was. It was such a neat experience to watch the faces of these girls as they realized that the God of the Universe chose someone their age to bear His Son. We talked at length about the beauty of the Nativity--and the fact that He did not come in a palace to noblemen. He came to a stable for the lowliest in society. The Christmas story is for everyone--even fatherless and motherless adolescents living in a group home.

Later that night as I was lying in bed I thought of a part of the Christmas story I had never reflected on before. I thought of how hard so many of us try to be 'the perfect mother'--the guilt we carry, the inadequacy we so often feel. I drew strange comfort in the fact that God CHOSE Mary. He chose a common, unmarried 15 year old. He entrusted her with His Son--the Messiah.

And then it hit me. He chose each of us for the little ones He entrusted to our care. Mary didn't have experience, parenting books, seminars and Mommy blogs...She had her God. And so do we.

He trusted me with these children. Now it is my turn to trust Him for the wisdom, patience and equipping necessary to guide them through life while they are dependent on my care.


The Adairsville Triangle said...

I do feel that way but what do you tell girls like those in the home or someone like me? Why was an abusive mother chosen? Hard question I know but it has been so heavy in my heart this holiday. I feel like there is something meant to come from it. Praying for wisdom for sure. Thank you for your perspective. My little ones are a wonderful borrowed treasure for sure.

Traci said...

Amen. Thank you for reminding me of the basic principle of parenthood. We don't need manuals and blogs nearly as much as we need our God.

Jennifer said...

Open- Definitely a hard question that I do not make any attempt to answer. I grieve for the reality of sin in this world and rejoice that we will spend eternity in a place with no weeping and mourning.

Kristen said...

Thank you for that encouragement.

Peter and Nancy said...

Hooray for 5 at the Bible study! I bet those girls will never look at Christmas the same way, and I pray that they'll know God is interested in each one of them, just like he was in Mary.

Erin Osben said...

I'm a new mom, and I'm so excited to get to know the little one God has entrusted to me. Thank you for making me excited all over again!