This was a snapshot taken randomly during practice. Despite the fact that there were 6 parents on the field, we had a lot of playing in the dirt and spotting airplanes in the sky overhead. Until a ball was hit...then an entire pack would race off to get it (and wind up wrestling on the ground.)

K is one of only 2 girls on the team of 15. When I found out it was barely coed, I asked her if she still wanted to play she replied emphatically, "YES! I like it that way!"

(I think the tongue out helps her run faster.)
The moment that made my week happened when R was running the bases. P, who was supposed to be in the outfield practicing with ground balls, enthusiastically cheered on his brother as he ran. He was literally jumping up and down with a huge grin screaming, "GO R! Go R! Go R!" It was truly precious!

"Wow, R!," I replied. 'That would make Mom's heart so happy."
Not to be outdone P added, "And I will come be your deejay!"
What fun kids....I love the stories you share.
My oldest is 13 now and he's been playing baseball every year since he was 5. I used to love watching him play tee ball. I still remember how funny it was watching every single kid on the field chase after the ball!!
Those pictures made me smile this morning - thanks!
Their games must be hilarious :) So cute!
I always laugh at my son when he runs w/ the batting helmet. Bobble heads!
I LOVE the pictures! Especially the one randomly taken where everyone is just doing his/her own thing. We laugh in the teacher's lounge this time of year that you can just shake your head "no" in any direction and six kids will stop doing something. Spring is officially here.
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