After weeks of preparation, the children celebrated International Day at school today. My children were transformed into a Russian,
a Mexican,
and a Nicaraguan.
Their celebrations were filled with costumes, speaking parts, dances, poems, songs, posters and food!

From history lessons
to festival reenactments
to hat dances...

the children learned A LOT (that, frankly, I would have never thought to teach 4 year olds) and had a terrific time in the process.
I am exhausted after spending 4 hours at the school bouncing from room to room in an attempt to support each of my offspring and celebrate with them. After an exciting day, the children were equally wiped out. I cannot help but wonder if their sweet dreams tonight are filled with volcanoes, caviar and moroccas!
I am exhausted after spending 4 hours at the school bouncing from room to room in an attempt to support each of my offspring and celebrate with them. After an exciting day, the children were equally wiped out. I cannot help but wonder if their sweet dreams tonight are filled with volcanoes, caviar and moroccas!
WOW! I am so impressed with your school. They obviously have some fantastic teachers there. What a wealth of knowledge these kids are getting!
it does seem like a lot for four year olds! i bet they soaked up quite a bit though...what a fun (and exhausting) day.
did you have to come up w/all the costumes?
Hey JMom :-)...
This is the only way I know how to get a message to you. Can you tell me the name of the company your father in-law used to have that blog book made for you? Was it called a blook? Would you mind e-mailing me with the website? Thanks so much!
I just want to move to your town and send my kids to that school! lol... they are learning a great deal for 4 year olds, which is absolutely wonderful. They are beautiful and K is so proud of her Art of Russia. Imagine 10 years from now when they are all playing different sports, participating in different school events and you are pulled in those 3 directions... but God is able to supply all your needs and He will make the way for you to handle all of it :)
Oh wow, how fun! Does the kids' Montessori school do a lot of days like this? I wonder if my boss would go for that ;) Also, are any of the kids in the same class or are they in 3 different ones? Multiples and children in the same family are split in our school.
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