Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fa La La La La

Tonight our Supper Club had our 3rd annual family Christmas Caroling on the trolley event. It was not exactly Christmas caroling weather...rainy and 68 degrees, but we had a wonderful time anyway! (The scarf I am wearing was completely thematic. I was burning up!)
Because of the incliment weather, we opted to go by the hospital and sing to a few long term patients. One of them, Mrs. M, has been in the hosital since September. She holds a special place in my heart because 5 years ago, when I had an extended hospitalization for bedrest, she sent three gorgeous gowns she had smocked for my yet-to-be-born babies. I had never even met her before that grand act of kindness. The gowns were preemie-sized and so tiny I could not imagine my babies would be small enough for them to fit. Turns out my little 2 lb 6 oz, 2 lb 12 oz and 3 lb 3 oz-ers were swallowed whole by them!

It was nice to see a smile on her weary face tonight.
After caroling for the nurses and a few patients, we went to the home of an elderly woman who lives around the corner from us. We had called her for permisson and she welcomed our visit. However, as everyone was bounding up to her backdoor, I noticed the following sign...

That's comforting. Of course, we saw it after all 14 of our children were dashing for the door.

Thankfully, it is not true--just a safety precaution.

Since this is supposed to be a Way Back Wednesday post, here's the link to my description of our first attempt at caroling two years ago. What babies they were! (But being with the big kids is still the highlight of the evening for my kiddos.)

Tomorrow is the last day of school for us. Christmas seems to have officially arrived! But for a final battery inventory, we are ready. Welcome, Christmas!


Unknown said...

what fun! the scarf looks fantastic ;-) i can't believe THESE children were EVER that small!

Coalson said...

I work there at the hospital, and I was about to clock out when I saw your group coming down the hall. I just had to stop and listen!