Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Mom

I have a tee-shirt that bears a large smiley face and simply says "Happy Mom." I always feel more accountable about my attitude when I wear it--I must, afterall, be a good witness of the identity I am proclaiming.

Sometimes I put it on when I am not feeling like a particularly happy mama--as a sort of self-assigned kick in the pants to get my attitude shaped up.

This afternoon I wore it and felt it was completely true. I am a happy Mom. The children are growing, changing and blossoming before my very eyes. We have real conversations like: "What IS cancer, Mama?" and "Why did God make Mary (a disabled girl we know) drool all the time and sit in a wheelchair?" It is incredibly fulfilling to see them begin to repeat truth back to me in their own words as evidence that they are beginning to make sense of their world (sometimes, anyway.)

I am finally really settling in to our school choice and thrilling at watching the confidence explosion the children are experiencing as they learn new things. The school choice and the decision to place them in separate classes were clearly the right moves. It is such a relief to be 'over the hump' of the transition.

We have a had weekend with our Daddy off work--and he is taking tomorrow as well. It is just so much better around here with a partner in parenting. God gave me my perfect match. He balances out my personality in a beautiful way.

And, seriously, can you beat the love of a 4.5 year old? I absolutely want to freeze time so I can soak up every bit of the cuddles and promises of love from these precious little people. The hugs, the kisses and the freely proclaimed, 'I Love You's are a blessing straight from heaven. My heart is full!

Perhaps to some degree my joy is circumstantial. Yet, there is plenty of turmoil outside the walls of this home. Friends in difficult circumstances, the uncertainty surrounding the looming election, worldwide financial turmoil, war, violence, etc...But here in our home with no television blaring the bad news repeatedly and the promises of God planted in my heart, I am at peace. I feel loved and secure. I am full of thanksgiving and praise. No matter what happens tomorrow (or even while I sleep tonight) I know it will not change who my God is...and that thought is enough to give me the confidence to lay my head on the pillow and rest.

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3


dee said...

Perfectly said! I'm so glad the children are thriving in school-you gotta love it!!

Love Being A Nonny said...

I need a happy shirt today.......

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

Home is where we "close wagons" and tend to ourselves and each other to be stronger when we have to go outside those wagons! Without it, we'd certainly be adrift in a cold and uncaring world. Thank GOD for families - Christian families - and the joy and "peace that passes understanding" that they bring.

And children who learn love and leadership from their earthly fathers get the proper foundation for learning the love and leadership from their heavenly Father when older! Continue to keep your coop sheltered in His love and care.