Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Recently, my heart has been tenderized towards the real hurt and struggle going on within many marriages. My husband and I have talked at length about 'what goes wrong' and how folks get off track in their love and commitment to one another.

I suppose it is a function of being in my mid-thirties, beyond most 'honeymoon phases' and into the reality of adulthood, but we seem to be surrounded by couples on the brink. I just want to stand up and scream, "Stop the madness!"

I think this is the place (10-15 years out of college) where many of us stop and evaluate our lives up against the 'dream' of what we thought we would be doing in this place and time. For most people I would venture to say they never dreamed they would be where they are. Comparison is truly the thief of all joy.

The message I hope we are able to teach our children is this: There is a reason getting married involves vows. Life sends surprises. People change. Feelings often fade, but being married means you pledged before God and a room full of other people that you would stick it out. There is not an exit strategy. Marriage is for keeps.

Personally, I think this is what makes marriage so incredible. I have never known a feeling in the world like the commitment of my spouse. The security that comes in feeling so loved and honored by another is truly indescribable. There is a sacredness that reveals a whole other part of God's character I could not grasp before.

My husband and I are real people in a stressful world. I do not intend to imply we have this thing all figured out. We get tired. We annoy each other. We are from very different backgrounds and brought different expectations into our marriage. In only 7 short years we have moved 3 times, been through infertility, starting a practice, a very difficult pregnancy, preemie triplets, near death, stressful financial decisions. We have hurt each other. I find myself apologizing a lot, but we have 6 simple words that somehow always seem to bring us right back to a place of amazing perspective: We are on the same team.

We may have different expectations, ideas, moods, feelings, preferences, fears...but we are in this together. God gave us each other for our refinement and for our encouragement. We are each other's helpmates. We refuse to allow circumstances, moods, hurts, temptations, etc. divide us. We are two type A, strong horses--but we'll get nowhere unless we pull together.

We are on the same team.

I want to be understanding to those who feel disappointed or even trapped by where they have wound up, but I feel a pressing urge to encourage you to FIGHT for your families. Do not let the Enemy prevail. Remember your vows and fight for, not against each other. This is a great article elaborating on that thought.

Life gets hard. People get sick and/or out of shape. Men lose hair, while women get it in unattractive places. Circumstances change and no one gets to live a fairy tale. The older I get the more I realize that true beauty is not found in perfection, but from the ashes and the overcoming together. The challenging times, where you are forced to show what you are really made of, are the real relationship builders.

Grab the hand of the one God gave you and run the race to the finish. Push through the hard parts. Our families and our testimonies are far too important to make any other choice.

I will now step down from my soap box. But, if you haven't yet seen any information on Fireproof, you may want to check this link out.

Disclaimer: I am absolutely not attempting to apply too broad a brush to this issue. I realize there are people dealing with serious situations like abuse or spousal addictions. My message is really aimed at the bored, discontent, disenchanted, who are tempted to throw in the towel because it would be easier. I also do not intend to come across as judgmental. I know and love divorced people and I realize others have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.


Caroline said...

This was just wonderful!!!!! I am a single 27 year old and while I am so excited about marriage one day...i like hearing about the reality of it.....not all the sugar stuff! It will be a daily choice to love and honor! thank you for your honesty!

Robin said...

what a great post. I have been married for twenty three years and it only gets better with time. God has to be the center of your world or it just won't work. It's not about our spouse and their realtionship with God, but all about our own realtionship with our Holy Father. I do love your blog and think you are a great mom. Keep it up...Robin

Megan said...

As a newlywed this was such a great post to read.
Thank you so much for you honesty. I loved how you said Grab the hand of the one God gave you and run the race to the finish - beautiful. Thanks for this!

Distybug said...

We went to a Weekend to Remember before we married 16 years ago. I remember two things: 1) We are on the same team, and 2) The devil is the enemy, not your spouse.

Great word today! Thanks for the reminder.

Ashley said...

The Lord leads your heart to share with others and I am so thankful! As a 26 single girl of the good ole south, this waiting game is tough and I want to scream at people who take marriage for granted, are discontent etc. Yet I am in the same place often and feel the same emotions. Recently the Lord has again reminded me of contentment and the heart of thankfulness. Thank you for being real, you make me excited about what the Lord has in store, but also the reality of our human lives. Blessings and thanks, Ashley

Brandy Thixton said...

What a great post. My husband and I were just talking the other day about how difficult life can be sometimes... and how we would rather face those difficulties together than alone, even when we face them from different viewpoints or ideals. Good stuff.

Mary said...

This is a wonderful post. I have to admit, my husband and I are struggling now, but we are still fighting so hard to make it all work. My sister-in-law (his baby sister and my best friend)and I are getting together weekly to do a study of a book called The Excellent Wife in an effort to become the wives that God wants us to be. We know that having God in our marriages is the only way that it will all work out the way it is supposed to. She and I alre already planning a double date to see Fireproof too. I think it will be a great conversation starter for both of our homes.

TN Mimi said...

What a beautiful post! My husband & I will celebrate 33 years this year. The toughest things for us have been issues outside our own relationship - church split due to pastor's immorality, natural disaster, a prodigal child, etc. That is why we have worked to maintain our relationship with each other & God, who has blessed our lives richly.

Jenny said...

Both my husband and I came from broken families. We decided before marriage that we were going to be highly committed to sticking it out. It hasn't always been easy, but it has always been worth it. Because of God's grace, we are celebrating our 12th anniversary this Sunday.

Great post today! I think Fireproof looks awesome! I can't wait to see it!!

HW said...

I so agree with Robin, above, that it only gets better. Twenty one years into this marriage I can honestly say it is better than the moment we sai "I do." But there have been struggles. My goodness have there been struggles. But without those struggles, I would not feel so bound to him. One thing I do when I'm angry or frustrated is to look at my husband and remind myself "I still love him," because sometimes we let our anger blind us to that simple pure love that drew us to our spouse.
As a good friend of ours said when we were discussing this very issuse "God intended it to be so simple..." And yet our human nature complicates it.
Thanks for another great post.

Kim said...

There is something so comforting about knowing that you and your spouse will be there no matter what. It also is great motivation to work through those issues so that all those years together are happy instead of miserable. I am so grateful to my parents for teaching us that marriage is a commitment.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Sixteen years ago, I probably wouldn't have married my husband if I had known what I was getting myself into.

But I believe God ordained our relationship to make us holy, not to make us happy. And because of the heartache, I have come to know God in ways unimaginable.

The bonus? Today, our relationship is healed and marked by grace. We are living proof that it is better to keep trying, even when it's almost impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

nicole aka gidget said...

thanks for your encouraging words which in today's age are bold too! :)
I just had my 5 year anniversary this year, and I'm so thankful to have someone to be on the same team as!

Andi said...

Great post... great link!

Kathy said...

Wonderful post!

"Comparison is truly the thief of all joy." This rings true for me in so many situations.

My sister went through a painful divorce and recent remarriage, so my husband and I have had this conversation many, many times. God gave me a good man and teammate. We both agree with you wholeheartedly.

Kristen said...

Thanks for this reminder today. I really needed it! I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself b/c my husband, a FP doctor in the Navy, was unable to attend our son's first day of kindergarten. I know he would have rather been with us but sometimes I don't want to cut him slack. I want him to know what it is like when our little boy cries when I leave him and I want our little boy to know that Daddy thinks it is important to be there for those moments. The truth is He does think it is important he just can't always rework the schedule for our family. I love reading your blog. You are a gret encouragement to me as a Christian mother and wife and as a wife to a physician. Thanks for helping me to choose not to be angry with him for things out of our control. :)

P.S. We call ourselves "Team Singley"

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

Today is our 32nd anniversary and I touched on some of these things in my blog for today. God told us to love our husbands, love our wives. And God doesn't require us to do anything that we can't do. So if he says to do it, we must be able!

Folks who depend on emotions for the success of their marriages will fail miserably. Emotions are fleeting. They ebb and flow. They come and go. Without commitment, emotion leads us down paths best left alone. Temptation rears it's ugly head. Selfishness becomes virtuous in our own eyes as we sight the slights. Discontent is allowed to reign. It's not for nothing that God told us to love and respect each other (Eph. 5:21-33). If marriage is compared to Christ and His bride, the church, what an awesome responsibility we have to preserve it the marriage relationship.

Unknown said...

you're going to love stepping up!!! i just finished! i was wondering if i could email you about storey. i have been in touch with her for supporting her.

Christi said...

I love this post. We too find ourselves surrounded by struggling couples, and recently went through a very hard time ourselves. We've been together 15 years (married for 10) and while we were "blinded" like you mentioned, the bottom line is that I love him, he loves me, and I couldn't imagine going through my life without him.

Your words today are, really, what so many need to hear. It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day - sometimes we just need a swift kick in the pants!

Steph said...

Wonderfully said!

elizabeth said...

This was a great post and beautifully said. I agree with everything you said, and I might need to read this from time to time to be reminded.

Being a child from divorced parents also gives you a 1st hand look at the devastation divorce can cause. And the thing about it is that although time might heal wounds, the effects last a lifetime. Think about it..although I have forgiven and its not "tender" to me any more, my children are now become aware and upset that their grandmother and grandfather aren't "together, living in the same house". Holidays are particularly difficult. The hurt just keeps going. It is not worth it.

Didn't mean to rant....Thanks for this today.


Anonymous said...

Greatly said! Love the open honesty. My hubby and I could echo you. When we get at odds I say to him: "I'm not your enemy."

I also like your saying: We are on the same team. Hope you don't mind, but I may use that too now.

Erickson 5 said...

AWESOME! Thank you! I can't wait to tell my DH that "no matter what..."We are on the same team"!

C said...

Amen sister! I could not agree with you more. It breaks my heart and frustrates me to hear about peole I know and have grown up with that have already been divorced and I'm only 30. I've been married for 4 years this summer and life isn't always perfect, as we journey through our infertility road, but like you, we are on the same team, for better or for worse. There is nothing like knowing that you are there for one another always. Great posting!

Jill said...

My husband uses those exact words, "We're on the same team." I was 35 when I got married and I had to overcome many years of being independent (which can become selfishness when in a relationship) and rid myself of the mentality that I have to look out for myself at all costs. Great message!

MEGAN said...

Hello, I found your blog, and I love it. This is really such a beautiful post about marriage.

MtnGirl said...

This was a good post and I linked your site to mine - hope that is okay. To the single gals out there - I was 40 y/o when I (finally) met my husband online! Yep, I married a man I met on Don't give up hope - there ARE benefits to both sides of marriage - both good, but there challenges to both sides too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic.

Anonymous said...

I am a new reader of your blog. I am a newlywed and I think this is a great post about marriage! I love reading your blog. Can't wait to see that movie!!

Courtney said...

Thanks so much for sharing...this was well said and beautiful...

That is also our phrase that we have to remember even when at the moment we (also very type A, stubborn...)feel differently. Once it gets put out there it is like we can take a big sigh of relief and relax. Typically we are saying the same thing, with different words...

Garrett Robinson said...

Awesome. I love your "comparison is the thief of all joy". I need to write that one down. We've been married 7 years and have many acquaintances/friends that are divorcing- most from infidelty.

Shannon said...

Married to my sweetheart for 5 years. Twins that are 2! HELLO! Life is full of ups and downs. Thank GOD I have my husband. He truly loves me for who I am and all my silly ways. (Sometimes Im so grouchy I just dont understand how he can stand me) I come from a broken marriage and he comes from his parents being married 40+ years. And one of our closest friend just got divorced! CMON people! My husband even tried talking the husband into saving their marriage.....didnt work. We were told by all of our mutual friends to mind our own business. Think we need to get some new friends????!!!!!! My husband and I always say, Why dont people just stay together? The same/more problems are just going to pop up.
Always love your posts.
-Shannon in Austin

Mary Lou said...

Reading all of this makes me feel really old, but after being married for thirty nine years and working together for the last sixteen and now with the office in our home...we are together alot and IF we were not on the same team. I won't go there. We got married never even contemplating divorce and were committed to the marriage, each other and to Him. It has not been easy and even after this length of time we are still working on our marriage. I don't think you can ever slack off, it is a work in progress and it is a living thing. We believe with Christ as the head and both looking to Him we have been able to overcome our hurdles and will continue to do so till we are no longer here. Thanks for this post. You are an inspiration to so many and have a great deal of wisdom. He will honor all that you all are doing with your precious gifts and with your marriage. Blessings....

John and Kitty Miller said...

I just want to say how well written this is and wish more people understood what you have said.


Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

This is my first time to your blog and fantastic post! We've been married 6 years, and definitely out of the honeymoon stage - but still a long way to go! Thank you for all your great reminders, truly.

Unknown said...

I can see why this got so many comments. Wonderfully written post.

molly said...

Reread this today as I recalled your "stop the madness" phrase from years ago. It is so hard to see all the togetherness of the past year and a half breaking down so many friends marriages. Thanks again for your wise words!