Monday, July 14, 2008

Trading Spaces II

The bed swap went really well the other night. Everyone slept well and there have been no subsequent requests to switch. However, last night as I was doing my final check before heading to bed I glanced in to find K & P sleeping soundly in their respective rooms. I was shocked to find R's bed empty. He is a deep sleeper that has been known to fall out of bed and never wake up, so I searched the floor and under the bed. Still no sign of him. I started to panic just a bit. It was 10:40pm. Where was my boy?

As I left his room to go find my husband, I walked through the playroom and saw this. He is a deep sleeper, a sleep talker and, now, apparently, a sleep walker as well.


Anonymous said...

Has he sleep walked before?

Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

My MIL said that my husband was a sleepwalker when he was preschool age. She said you had to be careful if you got up in the middle of the night as he could be lying anywhere!

When we got back home after our summer visits to the US (when we lived overseas), our daughter would sleepwalk for awhile until she got back on the new time zone. She outgrew it by 5th grade I believe. But it is a bit disconcerting to leave your child one place and find them somewhere else during the night!