Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Trailwest Day Four: High Country Day

When I looked at the schedule for the week, Wednesday was the day I was most apprehensive about…an all morning, all camp hike. The idea of hiking for 3 hours with my little guys was not at all appealing. Thankfully, the camp has plenty of experience with little ones and had many teen aged volunteers with empty hiking backpacks walking along with us. There was still much shifting of children, negotiating, riding on backs, trading riders, walking, (and gasping on my part because the altitude). In the end it was a good experience, but hard work, especially for one teenage volunteer whose shoulders my R insisted on riding all the way up and back down the mountain. That precious Mitchell was a godsend to our family. My R adored him and spent the rest of the week idolizing him. After the hike we had a pool party lunch…which would have been a lot or fun if it had not been 50 degrees. Then we took the children on pony rides—which they adored. The highlight of the afternoon, however, was when one of the college girls took us to a back room of the barn to see two 4 wk old goats. Our children (and their parents) had a ball with those cute cuddly goats—who of course, tried to eat all of our clothing and sucked all of our thumbs.
My animal-lovin' daughter would now like pet goats, pet chipmunks and a kitten. Come to think of it, the goats probably would help with our lawn care expenses.

1 comment:

Amba said...

That last pic w. two of your 3 just a grinning is priceless!! They look sooo genuinely happy I LOVE it :)