Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Summer Sunday

What a fun afternoon we had! After church we went to brunch at our favorite local spot. Grandmother and Granddaddy came to meet us, as Granddaddy has been wanting to go to a minor league baseball game with the children.
We have long referred to Granddaddy as "grandpaparazzi." (Yes, he is sitting on the hay bales still left in my yard from the children's birthday party a month ago!)

Here Grandpaparazzi is in action. Grandfather, father and son bonding at its best!
Have I mentioned that my boy,R, is obsessed with baseball?
K, meanwhile, is obsessed with a certain small feline. The problem is that she loves Oreo a little too aggressively. I have a new understanding for what Mommies go through trying to protect their newborns from affectionate older siblings...whew!
P is very gentle with Oreo. He has told us a dozen times how much he loves her and how glad he is that we got her.
The game was great fun--and the ice cream afterwards was a real treat.We capped the evening off with swimming and relay races in the yard. The only thing missing was watermelon and lightening bugs. Summertime at its finest!


Cheri (aka "The Mom Lady") said...

I love the bit about the "grandpaparazzi" - that is so true of us "grands"! I have more photos of the grandchildren in their first year of life than the 18 years of each of my children I think.

More time, more money, more expertise? :) Who knows, but we do love our photos and depend on them when we are unable to be WITH said grandchildren.

GE is me said...

Sounds like a wonderful Sunday.
And the ice cream looks yummy!

Linda said...

Wow, are you in for some good times! It won't be long and R will be old enough to play on a team. Not sure who has more fun, the kids or the parents, but from experience, I'm guessing the parents do.
Your kids are beautiful!

Sarah said...

Beautiful photos!

lalalala said...

Oh dear! I just had to share with you - we have literally thousands of photos of the kids - all thanks to their grandfather who is now called Papa - he is the "papa" -razzi! I totally get it. Have a great summer!