Monday, February 25, 2008

Remember This

Lately when people ask how old the children are, I cannot bring myself to say three. Instead, I reply that they will 'be 4 in May.' If you have ever read my thoughts, you know I am certainly in no hurry to make them older. It just doesn't seem fair to call them three anymore. They are rounding a corner. I am rounding a corner. I feel like we are getting into a rhythm. That we 'get' each other. I can see a bit more of where we are headed...sweetness, sillyness, curiousity and conversation...and I like it! This is 3.75 and it is good (most of the time). When I look back on this age, I pray I won't remember as much about the whininess and emotional outbursts. I choose instead to remember the fun and the love. I am staring at their faces in these pictures. I want to remember this.


HW said...

I keep saying how much I love three-year-olds. One day, though, I remembered that when my kids were actually three, I kept saying "two was easy compared to this."
So yes, you will remember the good more than the bad.

Renee said...

Even though our oldest is only 6, I can say that it is sooo much fun having children to DO things with and that don't whine and complain all of the time. Our third one will be 4 in May, too, and that is such a great age. I can't imagine multiplied by 3! said...

I usually read you through google reader, so I hadn't noticed your header change - it's beautiful!

And so is this entry - a poignant reminder for me to stop! and remember the good things about my children being small, because it doesn't last very long. :)

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for over a year but this is my first comment. Sorry, I have learned so much from you. I have other questions that I would love to ask if you could email me that would be wonderful. I look forward to hearing from you. Email me at

Sunshine said...

Age three has by far been the hardest one in our house! No one warned me so when my oldest reached three I had no idea what hit me :) She soon will be six and when I look back on it - I remember just the smiles and cuddles and probably would have forgotten the whiny - emotional tantrums except for her sister is now three - she has set a whole new standard of what it means to be three :) and then I am SURE the baby will - well how do I put it? She is a firecracker :) Four is a WONDERFUL age - A LOT of fun! Sunshine

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I love three and four. They are fun, sweet ages. And you get the fun times three!

Courtney said...

going in reverse order to catch up...but wow...those are some fun pics...they are so cute j..really.
so excited to hear that you are enjoying this time and that you "get" each other...that is such a NEAT and exciting place to be!

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

I so feel like I actually know you and your children... love it.

Amy said...

I'm almost to the three and am loving every minute of it! You have such a wonderful perspective on it all!

Mary Lou said...

You will remember the good and not the bad. The bad just fades away. You will remember the sweet times and the sweet sayings and you have so much more recorded than the rest of us(especially us "old" ones). You are setting up a storehouse of treasures for yourself. Don't quit..Blessings

Sibi said...

Your children are just precious
and you have a beautiful gift
with words.
Many blessings to you and your family!

Unknown said...

Such cute, cute, cute pictures. I hope all we mothers remember is the sweetness.

Kelly said...

Seriously - they get cuter all the time. Those pictures are precious!

katie said...

j, i love that my little girl (#3) is born in May gives such vivid perspective when i try to imagine your life!
she is my girl among three boys, so her stages are so unique for me. i still can't believe she is turning four. it seems so big.

anyway, happy 3.75 to you!

Colored With Memories said...

What a great reminder to stop and remember what is really important as time flies through this crazy yet fun stage. I keep hearing that 3 is the new far as difficulty! Kerry

Lisa said...

I feel the same way about my Abigail. She really does seem almost 4 and not so much 3 anymore. Things really are getting easier with her. Now it's Ava, the 14 month old that keeps me on my toes all day...

Young Creations said...

They are so beautiful. I am coming of the Lurkville today. I am signing in for the first time. Since I read about your lives all the time, I thought I would share our lives as well.

Have a great day.

Kelley said...

What gorgeous kids you have!! This is such a great age and especially when they dress up in costumes like that. My son(5) bounces between Buzz Lightyear, Pirates and DASH. I am so sad to think he will outgrow that stage! Enjoy...
