Monday, February 11, 2008

A Day Redeemed

This morning started off a little rough in the Scott home preschool. We tried to work on Valentines for our family and classmates after breakfast. In a moment of complete Mommy madness (major lack of forethought and planning), I decided to allow all tree to work on their 12 class Valentines simultaneously. Much more oversight and help (and patience!)was necessary than I was able to provide...and the look on K's face, pretty much sums up how we all felt.
I should have taken a picture of the table after we were finished. Whew! Can you feel the love that permeated our Valentine project?

Thankfully, despite triple skipped naps, the day ended on a much brighter note! We scheduled a last minute play date to enjoy unseasonably warm temps (in the 60s). Do you remember how fun the playground was as a child? If not, these will transport you back. One of the most wonderful gifts of parenthood is seeing the world in a new way through the eyes of a child.
P.S. I cannot wait for Spring!


Anonymous said...

Iced into my own home today, I too cannnot wait for spring!

That slide looks sooo fun, I hope you took a moment to slide down too!

Love K's face.

Jen said...

I am loving the look on K's face. That is hilarious!!

We are longing for the spring as well!!

Courtney said...

Priceless pic! So funny. I can't possibly wait 2 more months for warm weather...:)

Keri said...

I second your "I cannot wait for Spring!" I used to be a huge fan of winter...until I had children. Somehow, that makes all the difference in the world... And even though overnight we finally got,in my daughter's words, "the kind of snow we've been waiting for," well, wouldn't you know it's raining today on top of those 5 inches of snow. We can't even go out and build a snowman!!! :-(

Hurry, Spring, Hurry!

Unknown said...

K's face is too funny! They look like they are having a ball at the playground. I too am eager for Spring. Take care.

Tee said...

That photo of K cracked me up. I agree, I'm ready for spring. We worked in the yard all day yesterday. It was wonderful to be outside. I'm suffering terrible from cabin fever.