Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sock Puppets

Less than 24 hours ago I was writing about how I am gifted with ideas, not I suppose it only stands to reason that I spent two hours today making the most pitiful excuses for sock puppets you have ever seen. I didn't even attempt to take a snapshot, because they really look bad.

For the record, I do know how to sew on buttons, but trying to sew multiple buttons in specific places inside long knee socks as dictated by indecisive and impatient three year olds was enough to push me towards the edge of sanity.

Have I mentioned that I had to re-thread the needle eleven times? While children were hanging from my arms, climbing on my lap and whining that although I had sewn on a blowhole, maybe they didn't really want a whale afterall, but let's turn the puppet into a kid instead...RIGHT NOW. Or P's completely practical request that instead of using buttons I give his sock puppet "a weel face, with skin."

Some ideas seem a lot better when your little girl is excitedly planning them than they turn out in the makeshift preschool classroom of your kitchen. This is definitely one of them. :-)

Live and learn.

The ironic thing is...the children love them.


Lori said...

My suggestion is to buy a low-temp glue gun. Easy to use, dries fast and you don't have the frustration of needle and thread--or the permanence. If you don't like where it is, you can pop it off, pick the glue off and try again. Happy puppeting!

Keri said...

What a scene that must have been! :-) I've been in similar situations with my 3-year-old, so I've experienced the "Make it a whale!" "No, let's make it a kid!" "I know! Let's make it a dinosaur with wings!" phenomenon. I love the non-stop ideas creativitiy at this age -- if only I had the skills to keep up with it!

But I bet your children are enjoying those puppets every bit as much as if they were store-bought, aren't they?

Sunshine said...

My "rag dolls" that I "tried" to make the girls are still sitting on the shelf - ugh - I can "see" it so clearly in my mind - but what comes out is SO different - :) I hope you guys have a wonderful day - Sunshine