Monday, January 07, 2008

Flashback 2004

Saturday morning we spent some time at our old house (you know the one we moved out of 9 months ago, but still own >cringe<) doing a little housekeeping. In the process, we decided to tackle the last place we've wanted to deal with, the office closet. It was stocked with old files, notebooks and keepsakes that we have no immediate need for and knew it was going to be incredibly time consuming to sort through. We had our precious bundles of three year old energy in tow, so we only devoted 45 minutes or so to the project...but I uncovered some terrific treasures that were a real blast from the past.

The children were 14 months old when I started blogging, so the time before that is a blur of sleep-deprived, overwhelmed, grungy, greasy haired, spit-up memories. I lost most of my pictures due to an unfortunate hard drive crash, so imagine my joy to discover a pregnancy journal I had kept with good old fashioned pen and ink. There were only about 15 pages of entries, but it was wonderful to read back through it and realize just how CLUELESS I was about how my life was about to change.

I found a few items from the NICU and the size was remarkable to me. I put the playing card there for comparison. How were these rambunctious, healthy children ever that small? The hat and diaper were actually too large on the children when they were born.

I also found my trusty triplet medical notebook that accompanied me to every visit to the pediatrician. It seems a bit psycho and overdone to an outsider (and, honestly, even to me now)...but trying to keep track of who was eating what and how their bowels were moving, not to mention sleep schedules, medications and therapy was a task that sleep deprivation made impossible without a list. Add to the fact that I love, love, love Excel spreadsheets and voila, a huge triplet mama geek is born. Even my pediatrician teased me ruthlessly about this extreme act of geeky-new-motherness. I kept this log religiously until they were 10 months old.

As we've removed 1/3 of our bed rails, taken down the last of the baby gates, given up on booster seats at the dinner table and given away our last pack and play I am realizing those days are all but gone.

Funny thing is, today anyway, I am not sad. I am excited. These children are blossoming and I am so completely in love with who they are. Do they exhaust me? Absolutely! Do they frustrate me? Daily. Do they fill my life with laughter, joy and perspective? Beyond anything I could have ever imagined!

Thank you, Father. Thank you!


Erickson 5 said...

I just pulled some of the old premie clothes out of storage for the girls to have for their dolls. I could not believe how small these items were and to think they were a little big on my kids at first. WOW! I wish I would have started to blog back when I was pregnant too! Live and learn.
I am also excited about what the future holds for us. Love your triplet spreadsheet. I used some too.

Melissa Halford said...

Isn't it amazing how fast time flies? Thanks for sharing your memories and perspective for us who are right behind you in raising our multiples. I forgot about my kids charts until just now and yes, to the outside world that must look a little psychotic. My kids are only 14 months so I love reading your blog to see what's ahead for me. Keep up the wonderful posts and Happy New Year to your precious family!

April said...

As always, your perspective is awesome!! I appreciate your openess! The way you are always trying to find the best perspective is challenging to me. When I have a house full of little ones in tow, I really do believe I will have learned some things from your writing that I will be able to apply to my parenting. I do not comment often but I do read every post! Thanks again for your open heart!

Keri said...

I bet it was a lot of fun going through that closet! And as far as the spreadsheet being geeky, well, I kept just such written records of my firstborn's activities, and she was a singleton! I have no idea how in the world you would be expected to keep track of pertinent information for three preemies WITHOUT a chart like that! Good for you, and long live geeks! :-)

Kelly said...

I am totally thinking about giving myself the shot. I can't figure out what I'm more scared of - giving myself the shot or the tornado.
WE are kindred spirits with the excel sheets! I love that you were that organized - with three you would have to be. You have nothing but fun ahead of you with them - so don't be sad - just relish every moment.

Aubrey said...

My husband and I are sitting here smiling and repeating in awe, 'Wow, what tiny babies!' Our smallest was in preemie diapers for only about two weeks. I keep looking over at the deck of cards and wondering how teensy a baby would have to be to be fully coverd (plus) by two of them! Thank you again for sharing your stories, and for always pointing to our Lord. You are such an encouragement.

Rachel said...

What a great post. I remember back to all of the crazy first time mommy things I did and I just have to giggle. At that point I only had one HA! I love thinking back and going through the baby books. Oh and you also reminded me how bad I need to make back up discs of all my pictures, thanks.

The Amazing Trips said...

Me too!! Me too!! I LOVED my Excel spreadsheets. Our pediatrician would give me the hardest time because he'd ask if I planned to ALWAYS write down every time they had a dirty diaper.

"Why YES. Of course!! How else would I know that they went?"

Ah, those early days. There is a small part of me that actually misses them. That whole ability to put them down on the floor and know that they'd still be in the same spot five minutes later.

Girl Raised in the South said...

It's always so refreshing to read your take on motherhood, in the midst of caring for three little ones. Seeing the day's trials as disguised blessings - and happy for you that you found the journal as something to cherish.

Unknown said...

you are doing an great job, I just found you through another friend.
It does get easier, things change.
my son will be 11 in 5 days. raising children is a constant challenge, but a joy, and things are evolving all the time.

Anonymous said...

I somewhat remember the days of those little hats. It is hard to imagine they were ever that tiny.

Shannon said...

Precious entry. Oh how we mothers reflect on the precious moments we had with our babies. Dont they grow so fast? I find myself going through their stuff from time to time. It is amazing how small the babies were. Mine were born 6 wks premature and healthy. I have this pair of jeans of Porters and I cant get rid of them. And I have a pair of outfits of Abbeys I cant part with. Oh well. So they move with us. I love reading your posts. So refreshing and real.
PS: Our baby gate came down over Christmas. Movin' on I guess.
Shannon in Austin
Mom to b/g twins 20 months old.

Amy said...

Wow - the playing card really gives you an idea of the itty bitty babies they must have been. This post inspired me to look in your archives to see old pictures of your little ones. You should do another flashback post with pictures from their first year (before you started blogging). It would be so fun to see how much they have changed!