Thursday, January 24, 2008

And An Equally Long Night...

There were no lullabies at my house last night, only coughing. R appeared in my bed around midnight. I escorted him back to his room after an hour or so of snuggles and head rubs. K appeared in my bed around 4am and there was absolutely no sleep after that. My poor little seal! In between there were 3 or 4 times out of bed to reposition everyone, adjust the humidifiers, administer more Bromhist, etc...

I think I got 3-4 hours of sleep. During that time I had a dream that three toilets in my house were all overflowing simultaneously and I couldn't figure out how to prioritize dealing with them. I don't think I need a dream interpreter to help me analyze that one!

Proving again that the energy supply on a three year old is unmatched, I woke at 6:20 to a little curly haired head with a raspy, exaggerated whisper one inch from my face. "Mama, can a crawl around on your covers and legs like a dog?"
"Aren't you tired?"
"Sure. Just do it quietly."
"Then can I climb all over you like you are a mountain?"

She sounds terrible. She had no sleep. But apparently, she feels just fine. My husband's new theory is that their unmatchable energy is fueled by all the energy they are sucking out of us.

Thanks for the prayers! I have a sitter for a couple of hours this afternoon while they (hopefully) sleep. I may just close the door to my room and do the same.


HW said...

Yes, Yes, Yes. You must take a nap too. It will refresh you, and you need to store up your strength so you don't get sick.
Hope everyone feels better soon.

Renee said...

This might have been mentioned in a comment or on your site before, I can't remember. But have you ever heard of putting Vicks on the bottom of the children's feet (then socks,too :)) to help with coughing? I've heard it works wonders, but I keep forgetting to try it.

Erickson 5 said...

I hate nights like that. I am a zombie on no sleep. I hope everyone gets a good nap today!


Jennifer said...

Hilarious, Renee! I actuallt tried the Vicks Vapor Rub on K's feet (with socks) at 5am, in a last ditch effort to somehow get some sleep. She did settle down after that. Not sure if it was the Vick's or the exhaustion!

Peralta Family said...

I read your blog all the time, and I love it! Like you said one day earlier this week, it is nice to know that someone else goes through similar things on the journey of raising a sweet little one. I only have 1 3 1/2 year old, but most days that is enough for now! :)

I love the comment about their extra energy coming from the energy they suck out of us! Perfect!

Thanks for being so honest!
God bless you all!

Momma-of-5 said...

I LOVE your husband's theory! Thanks for the encouragement and prayers today. It was a difficult PHYSICAL day, but spiritually, I feel pretty good. Hopefully you got a nap today.

Jenna said...

sending prayers y'all's way for a quick recoveries and a good night's rest!

Christi said...

Sorry to hear you have sick little ones - hope everyone is better today!