Monday, December 03, 2007

It is a Monday alright! (updated)

When a day seems to good to be true, it might just be.

This morning the children and I had a leisurely time, listening to Christmas music and decorating the tree before we left at 9:45 to drop P off at his weekly Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy.

K, R & I returned home and I started making some crock pot chili. My phone rang and I noticed a familiar number on the caller ID. Oh no, I forgot about our lunch playdate today! As she & I were talking I realized I had not glanced at my calendar yet. I opened it to find that we had dentist appointments at 9:20, 9:40 and 10:00. I glanced at the was 10:25.

And therapy? I had actually changed P's appointment to 11:00 today so we could make it to the dentist! Because I had K & R with me when I dropped him off, I literally walked him in the building, handed him to a therapist he sees and walked out. I left him hour early!

Surely they would have called me...Wait. Where is my cell phone anyway? (Answer: On silent/vibrate mode in my coat pocket in the car.)

Thirty minutes later I have called all offended parties to make amends. I feel foolish, my pride in others' perception that I 'have it together' is bruised, but my children are playing happily, the chili is starting to smell really good and our tree is decorated.

Now I can get back to my "regularly scheduled" day.

EDITED TO ADD: The day got better, only to get worse. I will spare you all the gory details since I offended some folks the last time I shared a public poop dropping incident...but it happened again. At the mall. Only to make things worse this time, I had loud three and a half year olds providing play by play commentary as I cleaned up the mess and tried to rush them through a department store to a potty to finish.

Thank you, God, for the ability to laugh and for endless lessons in humility. Motherhood is truly the great equalizer.


Dona said...

I found your blog from a friend of mine. I have enjoyed it so much! I have four children and have been conflicted about the Santa thing. A man named Kyle Matthews came to sing at our chuch a couple of years ago. He has a song called Everything Santa knows- it is so great. It talks about how Santa learned everything from Christ- like coming on Christmas Eve in ways you wouldn't believe, putting little children first... it is great and my children sing it over and over. The entire CD is wonderful- Timeless Christmas Child- I wish I could figure out how to post it on my blog. Anyway- thought that song could help you answer some questions from your sweet children!
Keep Blogging!
Dona Stickler

Anonymous said...

Nice to know I am not the only one that has those days! My ego takes such a bruising on those days - and I think that is exactly what God intends to happen!

Renee said...

Ah, yes, that would happen to me too. A great day for a pot of chili too!

Aunt Boo said...

I am sorry to hear that but it sounds like you rebounded well.


Mindy said...

Sorry it is one of those days.
I've had days like that.....I find myself wondering where my brain has gone and then I remember the three little girls that take my time and I know.....I'm just focused on other things.
I was wondering - would you post your crockpot chili recipe?
I am always looking for good crockpot recipes!
In HIM -

Rachel Brooke said...

oh no! I'm so sorry. You deserve a bubblebath and with some norah jones music tonight!

Girl Raised in the South said...

The best laid plans..... I've been guilty of just that, have it all laid out in the calendar which I completely forget to even glance at. Maybe a morning at home was nice after all.

Queen Bee said...

A friend led me to your blog and I absolutely love it!! I have two boys - 4 and 1 - so I can relate to a lot of your stories. We just returned from an embarrassing outing at Target. My oldest spilled his entire cup of Starbuck's hot chocolate in the middle of the aisle, covering the new tree skirt I was going to buy. I just checked your blog and I feel so much better knowing I am not alone in the lessons in humility. Thank you for your positive outlook and encouraging words.

Michelle said...

Poor you. I hate it when my son has an accident in a public place. Heck, I hate it when he has an accident any place.

Jill said...

And God bless you, J. I think I have sworn off malls until my youngest is at least...oh....21 or so. Hope that chili helped some. It sounds delish!

Garrett Robinson said...

i think the poop commentary is always fun- no need to omit, he he.

Andi said...

Man- I just did this the other day- I showed up a day late for Sophie's well baby check up. Again. Ugh.

Public Poops must be hard to deal with- especially with a built in audience!

Anonymous said...

Your honesty is so refreshing. I have forgotten appts. too and have felt like the biggest flake on Earth. It is soooo great to know I'm not the only one and that life does go on. Talking about public pooping incidents, my four year old daughter were in Old Navy when I looked over my shoulder to check on her. She had her pants around her ankles and was pulling herself apart, looking at a certain part of her anatomy closely in the mirror. There were lots of other shoppers there. I wanted to die of embarrassment!