Thursday, September 20, 2007

Faith Like a Child

Three year olds say a lot of entertaining things as they try to make sense of this world. Clearly, some of the most precious things my children say relate to God. I think I am touched so deeply because I am mindful of Jesus' encouragement to the adults of His day to come to Him as children do. The purity of their perspective and stark honesty of their questions resonate in a sweet place in my heart.

K, in true female fashion, really enjoys conversation these days. In the afternoon, she loves to plop down next to me and say, "Mommy, what did you do today?" Something about the maturity of her question always makes me giggle.

A couple of days ago, she floored me as she said, "Mommy, I want God to talk to me."
I attempted to explain that God talks to us through the Bible, in creation, in all sorts of ways.
I could tell from the scrunched up look on her face she was not satisfied. "No, Mommy, I want Him to really talk. I want to hear His voice like in my Hermie video."
"Oh, honey, that is just a video. But as you get bigger, you will learn how to hear His voice better."
"When I get bigger I can go in my video and hear God talk like Hermie."

And so it begins...the separation of truth from fiction. The journey of explaining faith.


Anonymous said...


Pam said...

She is a deep thinker like her mama. What a precious heart, Miss K has.

Erin said...

My Joshua had similar thoughts because of the Hermie movies. Gotta love those movies!! I think Webster is my favorite one! I guess because I am a scaredy spider, myself, and God spoke to me through that movie!

Unknown said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile now (I have a preemie, too, plus three others and another on the way!), but I couldn't pass up this story. My three-year-old is also very curious, particularly about Jesus. He recently wandered up to me and asked, "Mommy, is God purple?" How do you answer that?! So sweet. :)

Unknown said...

Sorry, I meant to leave my name above. I'm Christa, in Indiana. My site is

Stacey said...

Thank you for all the stories you share. Come over and receive your Friday Fuzzy!

Anonymous said...

What a treasure. If only adults would long to hear God speak! Blessings as you walk through the journey of explaining profound truths in practical ways. Jesus said, "Let the little children come unto Me and forbid them not." He understands them and delights in their child-like ways! Blessings. Jean Stockdale

Kelly @ Love Well said...

My six-year-old daughter, now a first grader, was given a Bible this past week to use at school. (Obviously, it's a Christian school.) She's in love with it because it's new, it's pink and it's got sparkles on the cover.

As she was excitedly telling me about her new treasure, I flipped through the front pages, curious to discover which translation is thought best for a six year old. Answer? The International Children's Bible.

Made me wonder if Jericho is still defended by slushies and the bad guys are sent "up the river" in this version. Sure would fit my daughter's current theology.

cindy kay said...

That's so good.

I've never seen the Hermie videos, so I don't know what your daughter's pre-conceived notion is, but don't be too quick to disallow the idea of God talking to us. I've never heard his audible voice, but I've heard of instances where people have. You never know....!