Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday Sweetness

Last night during prayers, P said:
"De-yar God, thank you for Mommy loves me. In Jesus name, Amen."
My heart melted into a puddle.

Tonight as we were having dinner, P leaned into my husband and said matter-of-factly, "You love me, Daddy."
"I do love you, P," he responded.
"God gave me to you, Daddy."
Melt. Melt. Melt.

Does it make up for the fact he has been on a potty strike for 6 days...which has led to LOTS of disgusting clean ups? Almost! :-)


Paulette said...

He is so precious, he will get the potty thing in his timing,it will just click. The odds are great 2 out of 3 aint bad!! P. is different and need's a different approach.
Patience is the key that will unlock the potty delemia!
This was so sweet.

Anonymous said...

How precious is that!! Children remind us in so many ways, inward and outward, of how blessed we are to have them. I thank my lucky stars daily...

Hope the potty strike ends soon... we're going through a mess of potty accidents around here too.

(By the way, I found you by clicking on your link from someone's blogroll. :) )

Jenna said...

Sweetness can cover a multitude of sins (or potty mishaps as the case may be) :)

MamaBear said...

Hey JMom, As I've been readin about your potty training advenures, I remembered "The Potty Training Song" that we used with our three. When sung to the one who's "holding out" by the other two, it has provided much positive peer pressure to succeed. Just in case you're feeling the need for a song to help things along, here it is. Of course, you would substitute the first and last names of the appropriate child:

The Potty Song
(sing to the tune of "Oh,Be Careful Little Ears)

Put your tinkles in the potty, Carson Graham.
Put your tinkles in the potty, Carson Graham.
Put your tinkles in the potty,
Don't wet your pants, that's naughty.
Put your tinkles in the potty, Carson Graham!

Put your poo-poo in the potty, Carson Graham.
Put your poo-poo in the potty, Carson Graham.
Put your poo-poo in the potty.
Don't poop your pants, that's naughty.
Put your poo-poo in the poty, Carson Graham!

Jennifer said...

Hysterical! I sang this song to the children tonight. They giggled and giggled!