Friday, July 06, 2007

Potty All the Time

I never intended this blog to become all about toilet training, but alas, here we are. My new strategy is to bore enough people with the mundane details, they'll storm the gates of heaven with prayers that this will all be completed SOON.

We are making progress. Contrary to most people's experiences and impressions, my champion potty star at this point is a male, not a female. R made in 10 hours yesterday with no accidents (including a 3 hour nap time). Only one accident all day--and I think it was intentional, since it involved #2. He also has stayed dry all night for 2 of the last 5 nights and I have not even mentioned that goal yet!

K has also been doing a great job, but is averaging about 3 accidents a day. P is making progress, but he gets so wrapped up in what he is doing, he just doesn't want to pause to potty. He screams when the potty bell goes off, "No! No! NO!!!!"

A great tip the head of our church nursery taught me this week: Put a pull-up on over their underwear when you are out on public outings. That way, they do not have the fall back of that warm diaper feeling, but there is some absorbent protection between their undies and their clothing. I have tried this a couple of times (including naps) and it really seems to work!

Our poopy bloopers thus far have included a couple of lost BMs. That is, a child cries, "Mommy, I pooped in my unda-wear!" As they are running to report their accident, they drop their little brown bomb somewhere along the way. Nice. It is a clever twist on hide and seek.

Yesterday, this happened to both boys. The first time, K found it in the middle of the floor, picked it up and delivered it to Annie. When I returned home and heard the story I said, "K, we don't ever pick up poop. It is dirty and has germs. " She replied, "But, Mama! We can't have poops on our rug!" She has a point.

Your reward for making it this far in this random post is a link here : a quality piece on Potty Training by Big Mama. My favorite quote : "Oh sure, there are the mothers who will sit in playgroup and tell you with a straight face that little Fielding was potty trained in one day and has never had a problem. I'll tell y'all the technique those mothers use. LYING."

I seriously just heard K scream "I found a poop, Mommy! It is under the chair." Gotta run!


Anonymous said...

Oh what a joy potty training is! We are right there with you - in the midst of poop! Hang in there!

MamaBear said...

Our poopy bloopers thus far have included a couple of lost BMs. That is, a child cries, "Mommy, I pooped in my unda-wear!" as they are running to report their accident, they drop their little brown bomb somewhere along the way. Nice. It is a clever twist on hide and seek.

Thanks for the laugh this morning. My hat is off to you ... I also potty trained three, but mine were two years apart. Three at the same time is a feat I can't even imagine tackling. Your sense of humor about it all is what will carry you through. Praying that it will be a speedy process for all!

Pam said...

Bwahahaha! Jmom, you are keeping me in stitches. I though I was the only one who had to chase after little ornery ones with the power of a brown bomb at their disposal.

Praying for speedy and uneventful accomplishment of your goal.

Hang in there!

Kelly said...

Because I haven't had children yet - I have never really stopped to think about how hard it must be to potty train a child. I can't even imagine the thought of doing three at a time. WOW! I really like your posts because I feel like they are a good motherhood preparation course. Thanks for sharing so honestly! You don't make yourself sound like the perfect mother - but I sure feel like you are!

keri said...

thanks for the good laugh! the hide and seek for poop sounds like a nightmare!!

Leah said...

I'm both laughing and grossed out by "little brown bombs" on your carpet. Oh, my WORD!!! =) I agree with you - your sense of humor will definitely get you through this. I'm glad you're recording the events for posterity! The kids are going to LOVE reading this when they're older!

Renee said...

I liked the "No! No! No!" when the potty bell goes off. And the missing poop had me laughing too. I've only potty trained 1, and we thankfully never had those issues. However, I'm embarking on it with #3 next week and hoping #2 might decide to get interested. We'll see how it goes.

Anonymous said...


I am so enjoying your potty training bloggyness. I, too, am in the middle of potty training, but he is not yet 22 months. We are having some good success, but he sounds alot like P. He is just too busy to stop what he is doing to go and do it. We have, however made it all the way to nap time today with no accidents (part of this was in a swim diaper, though, so you never know in the water.)

Pam & Mike said...

Enjoying reading the 'reality' of how hard potty training is! You might like to read about our experience....
Love your blog!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

I shouldn't laugh because we don't have children yet, but I can't's just too funny!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer you are on your way!! How does it feel? I know you may not realize it but you are out of the woods. Sure, you may still have some work ahead of you and certainly plenty more accidents, but at least you can start seeing the fruits of your labor. Congratulations!!!!!!

Renee said...

It is wonderful that you can laugh in the midst of it. Hang in there!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!
I was doing this exact thing at this time last year! My son had to be potty trained before he could go to his 3 year old program in the Fall, and we just weren't getting it!
I can't imagine doing this with three kids at the same time!
I am still amazed when my son just walks in his bathroom BY HIMSELF and does his business BY HIMSELF! I was starting to wonder if it would ever happen. And as for the parents who say this is soooo easy, well good for them.
I love reading your blog! You are such a beautiful family with an incredibly testimony of God's faithfulness.

Andi said...

Nothing like a kid finding a special surprise under the chair to get you in gear, huh?


Ashley said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I am glad to see that someone else struggles with the training some. I am repotty training my three year old and training my two year old at the same time. I can not imagine one more. You gotta be branded SUPER MOM! I seem to be finding alot of those since I started blogging.