Sunday, May 06, 2007

I Love This Quote

"Families start to break down--and marriages often break down for that matter--when we stop enjoying each other. There is a place for discipline, sacrifice, commitment, and perseverance; but an equally important place exists for enjoyment. Those who never take the time to truly enjoy their family miss out on one of the most profound wonders God offers. Such people may be all about serving, all about effort, all about sacrifice-but they are also stuck in a rut that makes them seem joyless, empty, and ultimately miserable. This type of life does not adequately represent the character of our Creator God. It seems far more inclined to the religion of the Pharisees than to the faith of Jesus Christ." Gary Thomas, Sacred Parenting


Anonymous said...

Oh how true this is! Sometimes I have to remind myself to step back from 'discipline-mode' and 'training-mode' and just sit down in the mud puddle with my kidlets and HAVE FUN.

My husband is better at this than I am, so he's a good reminder for me.

Chris from Canada

Sallie said...

I heard a quote the other day that simply said "we need to fall in love with our kids again" -- I loved it!!

God bless,

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

I put this book on my reading "wish list" when you first recommended it. Haven't got it yet but every time you quote from it, it's confirmed that I need to go out and get it! Hope you had a great weekend!

Mayhem And Miracles said...

I've been catching up on your posts. How do you get such impeccable photos. Truly. They ALWAYS look like a magazine spread. Have you done professional photography before? What kind of camera do you use?

Melissa said...

I need this book! What a great quote. We only have 1 child, but with hubby working swing-shift & me working full time, it still requires effort to spend fun time together. We really try to make that a priority, and it's a blessing every single time. That's for the affirmation!

Deidre said...

I started reading this book after you mentioned it in a previous post.

I am enjoying it so much and learning so much.

Thanks for the recommendation. OH, and I love the pics from the previous post. That hair of Kate's cracks me up. They are all so precious!

Jennifer said...

To answer the photography question, I have NO formal training. Frankly, making it complicated would make it a lot less fun for me. I use a Nikon D70s (digital). My only 3 tips are 1- I take A LOT of pictures. Generally, 1 in every 10-15 turns out pretty well. 2- Try to get on their level whenever possible. 3- I wind up cropping a fair bit. This helps me get things centered up, or highlight a particular expression. For example, the one of Kate in the back of the truck: originally she was only about a third of the picture, but my Mom had an unflattering look on her face that she would not have been pleased with me I cropped her out. Hope that helps!

Erin said...

Wow! I needed to read that. I have been in survival mode lately - new baby and all. Thanks for the challenge to stop and enjoy the ones I love most!!

Renee said...

I'm always amazed at how God puts certain circumstances in our lives to force us to slow down and enjoy our children...even in the midst of some hard times. I'm so glad He does this though because I'm learning more and more to see the sweet side in my boys and enjoy them now instead of later.