Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Few of My Favorite Things

Each night as I am tucking the children into their beds, I ask them to tell me their favorite part of the day. Sometimes the answers are deep and heartwarming like "my fam-i-lee" other times mundane "the windows and da walls." Regardless, it always makes the children smile and is a great lead in to our prayers.

This morning, I was thinking about some of my favorite things during the day:

The kiss on the head my husband gives me as he heads off for work at 6am.

R proclaiming, "I had a great nap, Mom-eee!" when he wakes up from his overnight sleep.

Hearing the children loudly sing "la, la, la, la" to the tune of Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee. (It was the song that played as we processed from our wedding ceremony. Hearing my children "sing" it is like a sweet reminder of my wedding day--and how those hopes have been fulfilled.)

Kissing K's soft, fuzzy, curly head...It is like snuggling with a fluffy puppy.

The sound of R's deep guttural laughter when he gets really tickled about something.

Holding P, my spider monkey. He wraps himself around me like a continuous hug.

Seeing the children beam with pride as they announce, "I did it myself!!!"

K's new response to most of my requests, "Sure!"

Watching my sweet husband. He is just so good and wise and wonderful.

The way P holds my face on each side when he says, "I need a kiss" and kisses me.

The laughter and pitter patter of six feet running through the house.

Listening to the hilarious conversations between the three of them (especially when they are in an adjoining room and don't know I am listening.)

Seeing the trio's little chicklet-like teeth when they open their mouths wide to giggle.

The quiet, lamp-light of my home after the children are in bed. We have abandoned all adult TV watching (even American Idol) except for 2 shows that we Tivo. This quiet time at the end of a long day is great rest for my soul.

Watching my children sleep.

I am sure there are more...but these are the ones that come to mind immediately. Happy Weekend!


Erin said...

So sweet! That was a wonderful list!!

Military Mommy said...

Great list! One that I never want to forget for myself are the dimples in chubby little hands. My heart flutters everytime I see them. :)

Have a great weekend!


Perri said...

I hope your lists are always filled with such loving moments.

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

It's so encouraging to see your heart for your little ones. I can only imagine what triplets would be like, and you always seem to have a smile and joy about it. They are so blessed to have you as their Mommy:)

Anonymous said...

I love this list! And, I love your heart for motherhood. I have been visiting your blog for a few months now,I leave having gained so much from your insight. We also went through the horrible ride of infertility, were blessed amazingly through adoption and then had a baby boy through a successful, spontaneous pregnancy despite all medical odds. You and your family are so sweet and your life speaks to so many of us. Your heart for God and your honesty have been an incredible blessing! Continue having a wonderful time building those amazing memories for your precious family!

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness, I envy that your house is TV-less in the evenings. My husband loves it to unwind, but the constant sound after an entire day of noise makes me crazy! Usually I hide in the bathtub with a novel and lots of bubbles. But I would give up even that if I could have a lamplit night with nothing but the air around us!!

Phyllis R. said...

Sigh. You always paint such wonderful word pictures. You truly have the gift of "description" (if that isn't a spiritual gift, it should be!) You make homemaking and family seem so special!