Somebody nominated this little blog for 2 categories in the Share the Love Blog Awards (Best Humor and Happiest Blog). THANK YOU. I am humbled.
It still cracks me up that anyone outside my immediate family wants to read these ramblings. Some days you get deep thoughts, other days squished frogs or poop...such is life.
There are some incredibly talented, inspiring bloggers nominated. Click on over and check them out.
Congrats on your nominations! I voted this morning and was taken to the voting place by using the link found on another blog.
I think your link goes to last year's nominees for some reason. Just wanted to share so you could share the voting link and get some more votes that you definitely deserve! I'd give you that link directly, but because I already voted, it won't let me go back to that page. Hope this helps. Have a great day.
Thanks so much, Melene! I fixed the link...Now you know why I would never be nominated in a technical category! :-)
Well you are my fav, I have loved everything you have written. I am drawn to you as a parent because we have almost exact parenting techniques. I of course fell in love with the threesome because well.... I miss my children being little quite frankly and absolutely loved being a mommy when they were little.
When I see your babies and read your writings I am taken back to the wonderful memories I hold dearly in my heart.
I definately think you are the most deserving of this!!mI'm a fan
I vote was for the blogger I would most love to meet, hands down!!!!
I am not in your immediate family yet am drawn each day to check out that latest funniest thing that has taken place in your house. I have two little girls myself so its fun to see what other munchkins are getting into each day.
You win the humor award, hands down!
Oh, my friend had triplets yesterday (about 6 weeks early). 2 boys and a girl- one at 4+ lbs, the others at 5+ lbs. Overall, she delivered 16 lbs of babies- I'm sure she is feeling a little lighter on her toes! She is such a tiny thing, as a pregnant mom, she probably weighed what I do normally... just thought i would let you know, not sure how many triplet births you hear about!
Congratulations! You deserve both nominations. I truly enjoy reading your posts.
Your blog is a sweet place in my little world! Love it and you are deserving!
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