Monday, November 06, 2006


As I have become more involved in social issues affecting disenfranchised children in our state, I have been increasingly disenchanted with the political process. This personal experience combined with all of the negative stories in the media about politicians has fueled a frustration with "politics" and the games people play with power.

Despite all this, I feel very strongly about our obligation/privilege as U.S. citizens to vote. It is a privilege for which many, many of our ancestors fought courageously. Therefore, I feel it is our obligation to honor them by not taking democracy for granted.

This Summer I took the children with me to vote in the primaries. It was an emotional experience as I reflected on the Iraqis who were enjoying their new freedom to vote and the American men and women who were bravely serving in that country to guarantee that right. At the time, my cousin's husband, Tim, had been serving in Iraq for a year, with a wife and 10 month old son waiting for him at home.

I had a busy day and no childcare available. Voting was not really convenient. Then I thought about Tim...and the countless other "Tims" overseas. My inconvenience suddenly paled in comparison.

Tomorrow I will take the children again. Yes, it may take a little longer, but hopefully it will serve as a preschool civics lesson and a memory for them of the pride that comes in exercising the rights we are blessed with as Americans.

Thanks to Shannon's post for the reminder.


Paula said...

I agree 100 %. It is a privilege. I also agree 100% for children to go along. Although yours are young, leading by example by voting shows the importance in selecting leaders.
Good for you!

Zoanna said...

Way to go! My brother-in-law, is in the US Army in Iraq. When you read this, please pray for him. His name is Trip.

I found your blog via your comment on Kate's (

Your children are BYOOTEEFUL!

Erin said...

I hope you see this. I just read your comment on my blog. I think you mentioned your husband is a doctor?? If so, we probably have some friends who are friends, etc. Erik did his residency there in the late 90's. But, we still have a ton of special friends there. Email me sometime. . . It would be fun to make some connections. We still go to Rome alot to visit friends.

Michelle said...

It is a wonderful Blessing and priviledge!!!!! I am so happy to take my children along and hope they grow up to continue the tradition faithfully.